If you’re a fan of filling up your Instagram and Snapchat feeds with selfies, you might want to reconsider - a new study suggests that you're probably not as beautiful as you think you are, and plastering your face all over the internet isn’t giving the world the best impression.
Yup, in a new study, researchers say that independent observers typically view rampant selfie-takers as more narcissistic, less attractive and less likeable compared to individuals who forgo the solo photos.
In the study, scientists gathered 198 college students. One hundred of these students were selfie-takers, while the other 98 reported little to no selfie-snapping.
These students were asked to take a selfie fit for social media, and were then also photographed by one of the team members, resulting in each participant having a selfie and a standard picture of themselves.
With these pictures in hand, the students rated how attractive they thought other people would find them. The team then had a group of 178 independent, outside observers rate the photos for attractiveness, likability and narcissism.
When all was said and done, both groups - the selfie-takers and non-selfie-takers - reported themselves more attractive than they were rated by the outside group.
Also, all of the researcher-taken photos were rated higher than the selfie photos. Plus, the selfie-takers were rated significantly higher on the narcissism scale.
The study had a pretty limited sample size, so more work needs to be done to verify and confirm the results. But basically the research is suggesting that taking selfies significantly decrease people’s opinions of you.
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