Thousands of residents in Jinan, east China's Shandong Province, have turned out to see a bridal gown with a train measuring 331 feet in length.
The gown was modeled yesterday on the city's streets to promote a wedding dress store.
Spokesman from the store said it took 21 tailors three months to make this show-stopping frock.
According to reports, the dress which is hand made will cost its buyer 300,000 Yuan.
The wedding dress company, called Sweet Story, said they chose the length of the dress in order to deliver the meaning that the bride is the one chosen from 100 - an lucky sign to a happy marriage.
这家名为“SWEET STORY("甜蜜故事")国际婚纱中心”的公司称,选这一长度是为了表达新娘百里挑一、婚姻幸福的寓意。
Dozens of people were spotted holding the long dress train in the streets.
By performing this stunt, the studio are hoping that they will be able to bring in more business as weddings increase in China during the spring months.
The dress may be long but it doesn't come anywhere close to the world's longest with a designer in Xiamen in east China's Fujian province taking the Guinness World record with a train measuring 8,256 feet and nine inches.
@asweet1: this is me on my wedding day.
@wendyheather: No matter how pretty the dress, no bride would want a silly train that long. Ridiculous.
@Hohliu: They should save some material for the bridesmaids. Why are the carriers of the train dressed so badly.
@DavidKestrel:It's her special day and she's doing it exactly how she wants to do it! Love her!
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