双语学习改变脑结构 给脑健身-查字典英语网
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双语学习改变脑结构 给脑健身

发布时间:2019-09-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

I’D BEEN BACK from studying abroad in Mexico City for a couple of days when I asked my dad, “Can I use the lavadora?”


“The what?” He didn’t speak Spanish. I knew that, of course. I didn’t even really speak Spanish. I had barely been able to hold a conversation for most of the six months I had just spent in Mexico. So why when I needed to do laundry, the only word that came into my head was in Spanish?


Something…came or comes into my head 表示的是,“不假思索,脱口而出”


A) 以‘off the top of my head’, 开头,后加完整句子

Eg: Off the top of my head, I’d say travelling is a great way to wind down.

B) The first / one…that springs to mind is (that)…

Eg: The first benefit that springs to mind is that swimming can help us keep fit and stay in shape.

C) The first / one…that pops into my head is (that)…

Eg: One reason that pops into my head is that young people feel much easier to land a well-paid job(一份薪水待遇还不错的工作) in the city than in the countryside.

“You know, the…umm…the thing that washes your clothes?”What is happening to me? I thought. How could I be forgetting English? I thought I was great at English!


Be great at something, 解释为: ‘to do something very well, or much better than most people.’

A) It equals to ‘excel at/in’

Eg: Rick has always excelled at foreign languages.

B) Out of this world …用来表示“某事某物非常棒”

Eg: What I like the most about Italian cuisine is the pizza, especially Margherita Pizza. It’s truly out of this world.

“You mean the washing machine?”


“Yes, that!” I said, relieved to recognize a noun I had known and used for over 20 years. This momentary aphasia freaked me out when it first happened. But in the almost 10 years since this conversation—during which time I moved back to Mexico City as a grad student and then as a journalist—I’ve gotten used to it. I forget some English word or another at least once a day. I’m fluent in Spanish now, and I’m proud of that. But has speaking a second language somehow made me less fluent in my native language?


Freak somebody out, 解释为‘ to make somebody very anxious, upset or afraid.’

A) Eg: the whole idea freaked me out. (Verb)

B) Freak 还可以做名词哦,表示 ‘somebody who is extremely interested in a particular subject so that other people think that they are strange or unusual.’ Like a computer freak, a fitness freak or a control freak.

SYN: weirdo

Judith Kroll thinks so. She’s a psychologist who studies bilingualism and its cognitive consequences at Pennsylvania State University. “A bilingual’s two languages sometimes converge, but often they compete,” she said this weekend during a presentation at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington, DC. When I speak Spanish, it’s not an effortless cognitive switch. My brain needs to actively choose Spanish every time I say a word or construct a sentence. Even after years and years of speaking Spanish every day, I can often feel that work happening. It’s tiring, and switching to English can be a relief.


But when I do, my brain is still doing all the same work, Kroll said. It’s just that now I’m choosing English instead of Spanish. Spanish is always there in my brain, forcing me to do a little extra work to find the English words, even though I’ve known them far longer than their Spanish equivalents. “Especially in immersive environments, it’s harder to grab hold of the native language,”Kroll said. “You might have a moment of panic.”


Grab hold of 解释为“控制(抓住)”

Grab 就是‘take hold of something or somebody’、“抓住or拿点什么…”

美语中常见grab some sleep, grab a cup of coffee, grab a bite to eat or grab a slice, 甚至grab a shower,有点类似于take 和 get 的含义,用法广泛!

But if you really want to learn that second language, you can’t shy away from that panic. You should lean into it. “The native language may take a hit during second language learning,” Kroll said. “But that may be a crucial processes in learning to regulate language.”Preliminary results from her own lab suggest that “learners who are better able to take that hit to their native language and suffer those early consequences may be better able to learn the second language,”she said.


Shy away from = avoid, stay away from

Lean into it “扑身而入to enjoy it!”

So, we’d better not shy away from speaking English; instead, we should lean into it. ↖(^ω^)↗


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