Sarah’s fourth book, Wild By Nature, was released this week. Recounting her extraordinary solo hike that took her literally from one end of the planet to the other, Sarah’s book is a story about walking for three years by herself and surviving everything from drug smugglers and a dengue fever delirium in the Laos jungle to lethal wildlife and tropical ringworm.
莎拉的第四本书《Wild By Nature》本周出版了,书中记述了她非凡的独自环球徒步旅行经历,她的足迹贯穿了整个地球。她的书讲述了她独自徒步三年的故事,偶遇毒贩,在老挝丛林身陷登革热疫情,遭遇凶猛野兽和热带皮肤癣之后幸存了下来。
Here, Sarah talks about some of her incredible experiences to FEMAIL, and why she thinks she will never stop walking.
'As soon as I start walking, I let go. There's something amazing about connecting with nature and being that close to it - you forget about everything else and don't care if things happen that aren't part of your original plan. That isn't to say that it isn't difficult, and that things don't go to plan - quite regularly. The first six months is the hardest, though you might not expect it,' Sarah says.
On her journey, in which she walked more than 30 kilometres a day, Sarah faced more than her fair share of natural difficulties: 'I remember one moment when my tent was surrounded by five wolves,' she says, laughing. ' They were just telling me I was in their territory!'.
During her expedition, Sarah's days differed according to the season: she rose and walked with the sunrise and stopped to sleep at sunset, but this was obviously dictated by winter and summer light patterns.'Obviously, Australia is my favourite place to trek through,' she says.'I've spent half my life in the Bush and feel like I know every lizard and stone! But I also enjoyed the Gobi Desert as it surprised me that there were both snow leopards and white bears there. It was awesome.'
If you think that now Sarah has trekked across the entire world and thinks she is done, you'd be wrong.' I see so many sad people around me who have no joy, and I know I am so happy and so I want to pass on some of my joy to them. Happiness is little moments. I think a lot of people don't know that.'
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