Shopping for "good" chocolate is kind of like searching for a viable online date.
It's easy to get duped by glossy packaging and false claims. Sort through the fakes and protect your heart with these six simple tips for buying the best healthy chocolate on the market:
1. More Bitter, More Better
From a health perspective, what you're investing in when you buy dark chocolate, as opposed to milk or white, is a higher concentration of flavanols and polyphenols -- antioxidants that disarm free radicals associated with disease. Manufacturers will often list the cacao percentage on the label, but you'll need at least 70 percent to reap the health benefits.
2. Cocoa Butter
The good fat in "good" chocolate is cocoa butter, which is a source of heart-healthy stearic acid. And run a mile from products with the words "partially hydrogenated" on the ingredient list; these trans fats have been directly linked to heart disease.
3. Don't Go Alkalized
Is your chocolate "alkalized"? Toss it. The term refers to cocoa processing that substantially reduces its heart-healthy compounds. The average total flavanol content for natural cocoa was nearly nine times greater than heavily processed varieties.
4. Wrap It Up
Avoid over-indulging by opting for individually wrapped chocolates. The act of peeling off a wrapper will slow you down and give your satiety hormones time to register satisfaction.
5. K.I.S.S.
It doesn't take much to make chocolate: cocoa beans, cocoa butter, sugar, and maybe some vanilla. But not all manufacturers like to Keep It Simple, Sister. Avoid the extra "fillers" and stick to brands with pure ingredients.
制作巧克力用料也不多:可可豆、可可脂、糖,或许还要点香草。但是,“亲,不是所有的商家都喜欢简单制作的”(小编注:英文为Keep It Simple, Sister,首字母缩拼为K.I.S.S.)。避免添加额外的“食材充数”,要坚持购买成分纯粹的品牌。
6. Berry Bonus
Combining chocolate with fiber-rich fruits can boost the health benefits.
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下一篇: 摩的来了:优步泰国推“两轮出租车”
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