An interesting question came up Saturday at the MIT Tech Conference on artificial intelligence: "Why are most 'serving' machines given female voices?"
Dennis Mortensen, CEO and founder of X.AI, was quick to bat down the implication of sexism.
X.AI的创立者兼CEO Dennis Mortensen迅速化解了这带有性别歧视意味的问题。
"There's been studies, and I don't have to defend it because I did Andrew, but in all fairness, there's been proper studies about how you best direct people ... if that voice is a female, you increase the probability of success," Mortensen said.
Scientific studies have shown that people generally find women's voices more pleasing than men's.
A more recent study about radio advertising concluded, that "the effectiveness of female voices is greater than male ones when the advertising aims to have an emotional link on a brand and the ad and when the advertiser's desired response is to modify or trigger a particular behavior."
下一篇: 万万没想到:原来红薯这么有营养!