一张图告诉你:各国人过早死 罪魁祸首是?-查字典英语网
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一张图告诉你:各国人过早死 罪魁祸首是?

发布时间:2019-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Somewhere in the world today, 150,000 people are going to die. And then tomorrow, another 150,000 will have their lives cut short. And the sad reality is where you're born will have a significant effect on how you die, and at what age.


Recently, hundreds of researchers from around the world joined together to collect and analyse those statistics for each country, and the results have been visualised in a map showing the number one causes for early death around the world.


Some of the results are a grim reminder of what we already know - Africa isn't getting sufficient access to vaccines and medical professionals, so its top reasons for early death are infectious diseases: pneumonia, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, and malaria.


More surprising is the phenomenon of deadly road accidents in Saudi Arabia. Even though only 50 percent of the population are permitted to drive, traffic accidents are the number one cause of lost years of life. Thanks to the crazy antics its drivers get up to and the barely enforced speed limits, 19 people will die on Saudi roads every day.


On the other end of the scale, there's the disease that gets us when we're creeping too close to old age: heart disease. It's the leading cause of lost years of life in the world's richest countries.



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