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发布时间:2019-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

I'll be the first to admit it: My life would be a whole lot easier if I could speed-read. Instead of spending an hour poring over a dense scientific paper, I'd spend just a few minutes and understand everything perfectly.Unfortunately, while there are plenty of ads claiming they could teach me to do just that, a new study suggests those claims are basically bogus. For the study, published in Psychological Science.


For example, one argument is that speed-reading training helps you absorb more information in a single glance than you typically do. But the researchers say that "what limits our ability to process text is our capacity to recognise words and understand text" - and not how many words our eyes take in at a time.


In 1980, in a most comprehensive review of speed-reading, scientists compared comprehension among a group of speed readers, normal readers, and people told to skim the text.Results showed that the speed readers understood the text better than the skimmers, but not as well as those reading at normal speed. If the speed readers hadn't looked directly at a specific passage, they weren't able to answer detailed questions about that part.


And while they acknowledge that skimming can be useful when you're overloaded with information, they say skimmers necessarily make a "trade-off between speed and accuracy".


So if you reached this point in the article within 10 seconds (busted!), there's little chance you absorbed it all. If you intended to skim, that's fine, but if you thought you were paying close attention, you should probably read it again.



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