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发布时间:2019-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

With the shops in Tokyo’s Ginza district preparing to close for the day, and the tour guide begging they return to the coach, two tourists from Chengdu, China, hit a crescendo in their debate over quality, styling and workmanship.


Rationed to a single case each because of extraordinary demand, one grabs the largest box of Merries, the other a box of Goo.N and they leave in divided silence. When it comes to Japanese nappies and their beloved softness, Chinese passions run high.


Investors are trying to parse the demographics, arbitrage windows, bottlenecks and distortions of an Asian nappy market with annual sales of about $12bn, forecast by CLSA to reach $45bn by 2030.


As wealthier societies age, adult diapers are expected to represent an ever-larger portion of these sales, but in the shorter term, the focus is on Asia’s rising middle class and its babies.


CLSA and Euromonitor data suggest a tight correlation between expansion of this socio-economic group across the region and increased disposable nappy adoption. Indonesia’s 16m under-threes now work their way through an average of eight disposable nappies per baby per month. Five years ago, demand was a quarter of that.


China’s average per baby consumption per month leapt from 21 five years ago to 39 last year. Wang Jingyi, a 25-year-old from Beijing who has a seven-month-old daughter, typifies the local tendency to opt for Japanese versions. “I’ve never used a Chinese brand diaper,” she explains.


As the world’s largest producer of nappy-making machines, Japan’s Zuiko has a privileged insight into this surging market. It says Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are areas where investment in future nappy production is hottest. Zuiko’s sales figures from last year suggest that it has positioned its mostly Asian customers to churn out an additional 7bn nappies as demand soars.


The popularity of Merries, produced by Japan’s Kao Corp and hotly favoured on internet forums in China, is a symptom of the unusual times. The limit of one-box-per-visit for premium brands is not only in place at Chinese tourist-thronged stores in Ginza, but in supermarkets across Japan.

妙而舒的人气是如今这个非常时代的一个表现。该品牌由日本花王集团(Kao Corp)生产,在中国的网络论坛上备受青睐。优质品牌每人限购一箱的限制不仅出现在中国游客聚集的银座商店,还存在于日本各地的超市。

Nappy rationing, now in force for more than a year, sits strangely in a country with one of the lowest birth-rates in the world.


Kao has ramped up production in Japan to its limit, and has attempted to take greater control over its ecommerce sales into China. Still the shortages persist, and lead times for new production facilities are longer than they used to be because Japan has led nappy technology to become more complex. Even if Kao placed an order tomorrow with Zuiko for a new Merries-making machine, it would not relieve pressure on the market before early 2017.


Meanwhile, there is little to suggest any let-up from Chinese buyers, particularly if the yen continues to trade in its recent range. Demand for Merries is driven by China’s rising clamour for Japanese quality in all things worn, ingested or rubbed on to the skin. Another propellant has been the depreciation of the Japanese currency since 2013: Chinese tourists, along with parallel exporters, quickly spotted that it is cheaper to get a box of Merries in Shizuoka than in Shanghai.


Occasionally, suburban Japanese supermarkets clock the fact that nappy export gangs are arriving in trucks and loading up with product bound for China. But attempts to calculate the scale of the parallel exports are tricky. One guide is the surge of Merries’ share in Japan: up from 23 per cent in 2017 to 29 per cent last year.


This was not grabbed from domestic competitors, say analysts, but pure market expansion driven by parallel exports to China.



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