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发布时间:2019-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Businesses in every industry are faced with the task of recruiting and retaining quality employees. Smart business owners know that they have to offer competitive pay and benefits to potential recruits, but there are many different factors that job seekers consider when evaluating a potential offer. Here are seven things that employees tend to value most in the workplace:


1.Competitive Salary


Let's face it: salary is always a key factor in employee recruitment and retention.


Employers that pay better than average wages tend to attract (and keep) the highest quality employees. While salary isn’t everything, it does factor heavily into an employee’s perception of their own value within the organization. The only way to compensate for low wages is to provide an exceptional work environment with opportunities for career development.


2.Good Benefit Package

2. 良好的福利待遇

Employees do place a fair amount of value on a comprehensive benefits package. Benefits that employees find desirable may include many different options including health insurance, dental insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, tuition reimbursement, housing allowances, travel compensation, training courses, and the opportunity to gain industry certifications.


3.Flexible Schedule

3. 灵活的行程安排

Having a good work/life balance is always a plus for workers, so they tend to value the chance to have flexible hours. Employees tend to favor jobs where they can have earlier or later start times. They also appreciate the ability to work from home.


4.Opportunity to Advance

4. 职业晋升的机会

Employees like to know that there is a pathway that will allow them to move up the ladder in an organization. They do not want to be stuck in a dead end job with no possibility for career growth and development. Employers that promote from within and offer development opportunities will have a higher rate of employee retention than those that do not.




It is always nice to be recognized for contributions at work, whether this recognition comes in the form of verbal praise, promotions, bonuses, or other perks.


Even organizations that can’t afford expensive rewards programs can instruct the management team to let employees know when they are doing well.


6.Effective Management


Leadership starts at the top, and a poor management team will discourage even the most dedicated group of employees. Organizations with strong leadership and vision will be able to hold on to quality workers. At the very least the management team should be involved with goal setting, enforcing company standards of performance and behavior, and recognizing the contributions of various team members.


7.Team Atmosphere


A good team is critical to the success of a business, so co-workers are very important to an employee’s perception of their job. If the team doesn’t function it can cause big problems over the long term, leading to higher than normal levels of employee turnover. Management can often be helpful in correcting problem behavior before it becomes pervasive throughout the team.



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