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发布时间:2019-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

10月20日,习总书记在英国议会发表演讲,强调中英要加强交流互鉴,增进两国人民相互理解、支持和友谊,推动两国合作再上新台阶(take the ties between our two countries to ambitious new heights)不知小伙伴儿们看了木有?


习总书记指出,在我对英国进行国事访问的第一天,我深切感受到中英关系的蓬勃朝气(be deeply impressed by/keenly feel the vitality of …),体会到两国人民的深厚情谊(the profound friendship/sincerity and warmth of friendship),使我对通过这次访问推动中英友好关系迈上新台阶充满期待(this gives good reason to believe that my current visit will serve to move/bring/take … to new heights/lift our friendly ties to a new height)。

习总书记指出,英国是最先开始探索代议制(the system of representative government)的国家。在中国,民本和法制思想(the concept of putting people first and following the rule of law)自古有之(emerge in ancient times),几千年前就有“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”(people are the foundation of a country; only with a stable foundation can a country enjoy peace/peace prevail or take root)的说法。现在,中国人民正在全面推进依法治国(law-based governance),既吸收中华法制的优良传统,也借鉴世界各国法治的有益做法,目标就是坚持法律面前人人平等,加快建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,不断推进科学立法(make sound laws )、严格执法(strictlaw enforcement)、公正(judicial justice)、全民守法(build a law-abiding nation)进程。在这方面,中英两国立法机关可以加强交流互鉴(have more exchanges to enhance mutual learning in this regard; step up mutual learning)。

习总书记强调,中英虽然地处亚欧两端(be at the opposite ends of the Eurasian continent),却长期彼此吸引(share deep mutual affection)。新中国成立以来,两国关系创下了多项“第一”(lead the way in a number of ways in terms of bilateral relations)。英国是第一个承认新中国的西方大国,也是率先同中国建立全面战略伙伴关系的欧盟国家;是除香港外最大人民币境外交易中心(a leading offshore RMB trading center),也是吸引中国留学生、开办孔子学院最多的欧盟国家(host more Chinese students and Confucius institutes than any EU country)。英国还是首个发行人民币国债的西方国家(issue RMB sovereign bond)、最早申请加入亚洲基础设施投资银行的西方大国(apply for membership of the AIIB)。中英越来越成为你中有我、我中有你的利益共同体。(are becoming increasingly interdependent and a community of shared interests)

习总书记指出,莎士比亚说:“凡是过去,皆为序章。”(what is past is prologue)英国议会在增进两国社会各界(various sectors of our two societies)交流、促进双边关系发展上发挥着越来越重要的作用。希望各位议员登高望远(scale higher to see further),继续做中英关系的积极推动者(promote)、中英友好的贡献者(strengthen)、中英合作的支持者(support),为中英关系更广阔、更光明的未来铺设理解之路、架起合作之桥(build abridge of understanding and cooperation so as to create a brighter and even more promising future of bilateral ties)。


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