1. Bowling
Bowling is another activity you can do with your whole family. It is accessible and really enjoyable. You do not need to be an expert to play it. If you are good enough, then compete and see who wins. You can take as many family members of friends as you want – it will then create a party-like environment and a warm friendly atmosphere.
2. Visiting a Museum
Museums, galleries and exhibitions is another wonderful activity for your whole family. Trust us, your kids will love it since nowadays most museums have special programs for kids – they are both educating and entertaining. This is where children have an opportunity to interact, see the things and learn more interesting facts about the world around.
3. Nature Hiking
Your kids should spend more time outdoors. It will improve their mood and sleep. Go hiking with your kids – it is healthy for both you and them. While hiking tell them more about the sites you visit. Explore the area you live in or, if you are up to some adventure, move further and show your children something new – there must be nature sports, parks and other places you haven’t been to yet.
4. Baking Cookies
If the weather outside is not what you would like it to be, you can stay home and do something fun anyways! You and your whole family can spend a day indoors having fun while doing something together. How about cooking something delicious with your children? Teach them to prepare their favorite treat, for example, cookies. Have a competition on the best decorations. Food that is cooked with those you love taste better, doesn’t it? Besides, such activities develop children’s creativity.
5. Painting
Kids love getting messy and we know that! Then why don’t we let them have their way with colors? Buy some bright paints and do what you have always wanted to do – join your kids and get messy together! All children are very artistic and painting is one of the best ways of expressing yourself. You will find out a lot of interesting things about your own children – simply analyze their paintings and the colors they choose.
6. Cycling
Nowadays kids spend too much time in front of their computers. But playing games outside is more fun! You must have a couple of bikes gathering dust somewhere in the garage. Pull them out and have a ride with your children. Take your kids to the most beautiful locations you know, attach a cam to your helmet and film your ride. Cycling is an amazing way to get in some exercise.
7. Washing the Car
You can kill two birds with one stone! Have fun and do something useful together with your children. It can be anything as long as you let your kids have fun while doing something at the same time. Wash the car, for example. We know how much kids love playing with water. If they are on holiday, make the best of it – doing boring chores in a relaxing way will only strengthen your relationship and tech your kids to enjoy it rather than hate it.
下一篇: 外媒:即使雾霾天戴口罩的中国人仍潮爆了!