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发布时间:2019-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A colleague from the financial world recently announced on Facebook that he had retired to the woodsy north-east of the US and that he was looking forward to spending his days fishing and hiking in a sylvan landscape far from Wall Street.


I, of course, wished him well, but I had to wonder what the medical record shows for people who have unplugged from their busy careers and left behind a mentally stimulating life.


This is not an idle question: as the baby boomer generation ages, the number of people of retirement age in the US is projected to double from 36m in 2003 to 72m in 2030. Governments everywhere are debating whether and how far to raise the age of eligibility for state pensions because of the effect on the public purse.


It turns out that health studies of retirement are a mixed bag. One study in 2017 that received a lot of attention came from the Harvard School of Public Health. It looked at 5,422 individuals in the US and found there was a 40 per cent increase in heart attacks and strokes among those who had retired, compared with those of a similar age still working.

事实证明,对人们退休后健康问题的研究结果是五花八门的。哈佛大学公共卫生学院(Harvard School of Public Health)2017年的一项研究引起了许多关注。该研究观察了5422名在美国生活的个人,发现与仍在工作的同龄人相比,退休人群心脏病发作和中风的比例高出40%。

Perhaps even more striking, the study found that most of the cardiovascular events happened in the year after retirement. When I contacted the lead researcher of the study, J Robin Moon, a sociologist now working on health systems in the Bronx, a poor borough of New York City, she said her statistical analysis might reflect “reverse causality”: in other words, people may have been forced to retire because they already had cardiovascular disease, not the other way around.

或许更令人吃惊的是,该研究发现,大多数心血管疾病发生在退休后一年。当我联系到该项研究的首席研究员、如今在布朗克斯(Bronx,纽约市的一个贫困区)从事卫生体系工作的社会学家J圠宾莫恩(J Robin Moon)时,她说自己的统计分析可能反映出一种“逆向因果关系”:换句话说,人们可能是被迫退休,因为他们已经患上心血管疾病,而非相反的关系。

Those who were only semi-retired — working part-time — had substantially less risk of a heart attack. So Ms Moon ponders whether the ill-health effects have something to do with the US way of retirement, where people enter a life “that is completely different from what you’re used to with so many changes, socially and economic”.


In contrast, a number of studies in Europe have had results very different from the Harvard research. A multiyear study of the pension system in Germany found that retirement “has a positive effect on health, increasing the probability of reporting to be in satisfactory health and mental health” and even reducing the number of visits paid to the doctor.


Likewise, a study in France of 11,246 men and 2,858 women found that retirement was associated with a “substantial reduction in mental and physical fatigue and depressive symptoms”.


Of course, poor health does not happen overnight, even though events such as heart attacks and strokes are usually recorded as sudden events. Volumes have been written comparing the typical French diet with its US counterpart, which often contains more sugar and less fresh fruit and vegetables.


Another fascinating insight Ms Moon gleaned in an unpublished study was that people who are retired but have frequent contact with neighbours and friends tend to be healthier.


If you can form social bonds and enjoy a smooth transition from full-time work to not working at all, the cardiovascular health effect was mediated. “Retirement is not the toxic factor, it’s the things that come with it,” she concludes.



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