Emojis are a great boon to text communication. Subtle emotional messages that in person we might convey by gestures, facial expression, or tone of voice can be conveniently summed up with tiny cartoon faces. But different platforms display the same emoji specification in different ways. 表情符号对短信交流是一大福音。面对面交流时我们可能采用的手势、面部表情还有声调等细微的情感信息,都可以浓缩为卡通小脸儿来传达。但不同平台同一规格的表情呈现出来却大相径庭。
You might think you’re saying “This is awkward…” while your friend is getting “I am shocked and appalled!” That can lead to all kinds of misunderstanding. To help you navigate these potentially dangerous cross-platform social interactions, here are nine emoji that come out with important differences on Apple (iOS 9.1), Google (Android 5), and Samsung (Galaxy S5). 你或许觉得你说的是“这个很怪...",而你的朋友得到的却是“我震惊了,吓尿!”这样就会产生各种各样的误解。为助你轻松驾驭这些具潜在危险的跨平台社交信息的交互,如下是九大在苹果 (iOS 9.1)、谷歌(安卓 5)和三星(Galaxy S5)上有显著差异的表情符号。
Apple: “Heh heh. This is awkward.” 苹果:“嘿!嘿!这下尴尬了。”
Google: “Aargh. I am so pissed right now.” 谷歌:“哼!我超不爽!”
Samsung: “I am shocked and appalled!” 三星:“震呆,吓屎!”
Apple: “Oof. I’m trying.” 苹果:“唉。我还在努力。”
Google: “Mmmmggmrmgm. I can’t even!” 谷歌:“呃... 臣妾做不到!”
Samsung: “Wellll hellooooo there, good looking…” 三星:“嗨,亲,看上去不错嘛...”
Apple: “Oh, dear. That is surprising.” 苹果:“哦,亲爱的,这个蛮出人意料的。”
Google: “Not gonna say a word. Nope.” 谷歌:“保留意见,不予评论。”
Samsung: “B-but, why?” 三星:“可是,为什么呢?”
4. TIRED_FACE 倦怠的脸
Apple: “Waaaaaaahhhhh!” 苹果:“哇哇哇...!”
Google: “Trying … so … hard …” 谷歌:“努力中...太...难了...”
Samsung: “Exhausted … sad ... just…(*sigh*)” 三星:“精疲力竭...伤...真心的...(叹气)”
5. SCREAM 尖叫
Apple: “Nooooooo!” 苹果:“不~~~!”
Google: “My word! I do declare!” 谷歌:“我发誓!我声明!”
Samsung: “The Dark Lord awaits the feast of my soul.” 三星:“黑魔王等着收我的命。”
Apple: “What the heck, dude.” 苹果:“什么鬼,老兄?”
Google: “I mad. Me no like.” 谷歌:“我去。我不喜欢。”
Samsung: “So mad! (Not gonna cry, not gonna cry…)” 三星:“真心不爽!(不哭,不哭...)”
7. RAGE 盛怒
Apple: “No, really. What the effin’ heck, dude!” 苹果:“不对,不是这样。搞什么鬼啊,老兄!”
Google: “Me hold ma bwef til you take dat back!” 谷歌:“我拒不改观,除非你把话收回!”
Samsung: “Life has … no meaning.” 三星:“生命...没有意义的。”
Apple: “What? Really? Awww, man …” 苹果:“什么?真的?哦...天...”
Google: “Why me?! (*sniff*) Always me …” 谷歌:“为嘛是我?!(抽鼻子)老是我...”
Samsung: “Ho-leee crap! No way!” 三星:“我的天!想也别想!”
9. HEART_EYES 满眼爱心
Apple: “Love it! Call me!” 苹果:“我就喜欢!电话我!”
Google: “Hee hee (*hic*), dat’s reallll nice …” 谷歌:“嘻嘻,真的很贴心...”
Samsung: “Whoa … dude ... that’s like … love … universe … whoa …” 三星:“哇哦...老兄...真的是...爱...天...哇哦...”
上一篇: 女性朋友注意! 留胡子的男性更易有外遇
下一篇: 双11特辑 为什么我这么优秀还是没人爱