German is the language of law, psychology, and science. No other languages can form words more precisely than German can do. Although its grammar can be somewhat off-putting at first, its rigour and accuracy will soon help you steer the language in the direction you wish, expressing the subtle differences. German is a game of interlocking bricks; you can juxtapose as many words as you want. In spite of the strict rules German has, its morphology is like playing with dough.
French is the language of love, of beauty. The appeal of French resides in its multiple meanings. There are so many ways to write one sound in French; vers, verre, vert, vair are all pronounced the same and still have very differentiated meanings. This allows heartfelt rhymes but also very witty puns.
法语是爱与美的语言。法语的吸引力在于其多重意义。法语中一个音可以有很多种写法;vers, verre, vert, vair发音一致,但其意义大不一样。这便有了触动心弦的小诗和诙谐的双关语。
When travelling the globe you may run into tons of people who speak Spanish as their mother tongue. Spanish is all over the world and despite some slight differences among regions everybody would understand you if you say mi casa es tu casa, bienvenido, amigo or ¿bailamos?
你环球旅行的时候也许会撞见无数以西班牙语为母语的人。满世界都是西班牙语,尽管有细微地域差异。你要是说casa es tu casa, bienvenido, amigo or ¿bailamos?(”我的家就是你的家”、“欢迎”、“朋友”、“我们跳舞吗?“),大家都能懂的。
Despite being barely spoken outside Italy, Italian is among the most studied foreign languages because of its melodic sounds and the cultural heritage attached to it. Every area has its sounds, its words, and sometimes also its syntax. When Italian people are abroad, they don’t learn the local language but they teach Italian to the locals.
English is a truly global language. Apart from International English, if you have the chance to speak with English native speakers, you will discover a new world full of idioms and slang vocabulary.
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