Chinese tourists have been turning up at David Cameron's local pub in their droves to eat fish and chips and drink real ale after their president visited for a pint.
The Prime Minister took Xi Jinping down the road from Chequers to The Plough at Cadsden in Buckinghamshire for a drink during his four-day state visit last week.
上周,英首相戴维·卡梅伦在习近平主席对英为期四天的国事访问期间把习大大从首相别墅带到白金汉郡的The Plough at Cadsden酒馆喝起小酒。
The Chinese ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, said today Mr Cameron's favourite pub has become a 'household name in China' and the thirst for fish and chips and IPA is now insatiable.
中国驻英大使刘晓明10月30日称:卡梅伦先生最喜爱的酒吧现已然成了在中国“家喻户晓”的名字了,而且,人们对炸鱼薯条和印度淡啤酒(India Pale Ale)的需求越来越大了。
And the pub has seen 'busloads' of Chinese tourists arrive in the days after President Xi had a pint and fish and chips and a steady flow of visitors since then.
Today the car park was packed full of cars and all the tables inside the building in use as tourists descended on the pub for, in many people's cases, their first taste of English culture.
Ambassador Liu told the Daily Telegraph: 'These two foods have become very popular in China - they are hot. When Chinese tourists first land in the UK, they would ask for fish and chips and India Pale Ale'.
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