Are you still wearing shorts and T-shirts? If you say yes, there's a good reason.
Planet Earth has definitely experienced its hottest summer since detailed records have been kept, and according to scientists, it might have been the hottest in more than 4,000 years.
The meteorological summer of June-July-August in the Northern Hemisphere saw its highest globally averaged temperature since records began in 1880, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported.
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)报告称,今年六、七、八月——北半球气象学意义上的夏天——全球平均气温创下自1880年有气温记录以来的新高。
Seven out of the nine months this year have made their way to the record books. Now that it's fall, September saw its highest temperature on record, for land and ocean surfaces.
What do scientists point to for this phenomenon?
"The uNPRecedented heat continues to be driven by the strong El Niño in the Pacific," said cnn senior meteorologist Dave Hennen. "We're now five months in a row of record highs, and that will likely continue with El Niño forecast to last well into the spring."
cnn高级气象学家戴夫·亨嫩(Dave Hennen)说,“太平洋的强厄尔尼诺(El Niño)现象致使这种史无前例的高温持续,连续五个月的气温都创历史新高,而这很可能继续下去,根据预测,厄尔尼诺现象将持续到下个春天。”
Climate research suggests these are the hottest temperatures the Earth has seen since the Bronze Age.
气候研究认为,这是自青铜时代(Bronze Age)以来地球上出现的最高气温。
The report also said record heat was reported across northeastern Africa stretching into the Middle East, part of southeastern Asia, most of the northern half of South America, and parts of central and eastern North America.
However, not all regions experienced above-normal temperatures. Southern South America, far western Canada, Alaska and a swath across central Asia were cooler or much cooler than average.
"With a 98% chance that the strong El Niño conditions will last, it is virtually certain that this year will end up globally being the warmest on record," according to Hennen.
The last strong El Niño was back in 1997. That year it wreaked weather-related havoc across the globe, from mudslides in California to fires in Australia.
According to NOAA, the average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for September 2017 was at 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average.
Experts predict El Niño will peak in late fall/early winter, and forecasts now suggest it will remain constant through winter and gradually weaken as spring settles in.
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