避孕套不会影响快感 你怎么看?-查字典英语网
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避孕套不会影响快感 你怎么看?

发布时间:2019-09-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Men of the world: Ever told a woman you couldn’t use a condom because it would make you lose your erection? Then it’s time to start formulating another excuse, as new research shows rubbers aren’t to blame for wilting wieners.


A study of nearly 500 heterosexual men aged 18-24 found that those who cited condoms as a barrier to an erection were more likely to be suffering from general erectile dysfunction whether they used a condom or not. Of those surveyed, 38 percent said condoms had no effect on their performance, while almost the same number reported problems either during application or sex itself.


“Condom-associated erection problems have been a very under-researched topic,” explained Dr. Cynthia Graham, co-author of the study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. “Increasing evidence suggests, however, that they may influence whether condoms are used correctly or from start to finish of sex.”

Cynthia Graham医生是这项研究的组织者,在他合作出版的《性医学之旅》一书中这样写道:“与避孕套有关的勃起困难现在还是一个处于研究阶段的话题。但是越来越多的证据显示,无论是避孕套的使用是否正确还是性爱过程的完整性都是影响这些问题的因素。

For 24-year-old James, the findings have come as something of a surprise. “I had fancied a nice girl for a little while and we ended up in bed [one] night,” he recalls of an ill-fated occasion. “A mixture of too much alcohol, some nerves, and then my attempt to put on a condom all meant my downstairs went to sleep.”


“It was all very tragic,” he says. “A condom is definitely the path to a floppy penis because it removes all the sensitivity and feeling, and then during sex it feels much less pleasurable, so you’re more at prone to going floppy again. They’re a struggle to put on, especially after a few drinks, and then usually end up inside out, so have to be reapplied by which time either you’ve gone floppy or it’s just horrendously awkward and the moment is lost.“

这真是一场悲剧”,他沮丧地说:“避孕套无疑是我疲软的罪魁祸首,它将一切的快感一扫而光。在爱爱的过程中,戴着它就像‘隔靴搔痒’,快感大大降低,很快我又感到了疲软。 它们太难套了特别在酒后,而且老是会戴反,所以不得不再重新戴,而那时你已经“低头”了或者扔就笨手笨脚的,春光已经流失殆尽。“

“The awkwardness is where the girl is kind of lying there, waiting for you to get it on, and you feel a pressure or self-consciousness.”

一个美妞躺在你面前,等待着你的雄姿英发,你却压力大得 一直进入不了状态。这是多么尴尬的事情啊!”

The lack of research into the broader issues which could impact penile function means that little of the link between one’s psychological state and future performance has been uncovered, but as the paper suggests, “men who first experience loss of erection when they use condoms might worry about [difficulty] experiencing erections more generally and hence be more vulnerable [to erectile problems].” Referencing prior studies on its physiological causes, the researchers note that around 16 percent of American men under 40 reported intermittent issues maintaining an erection, while another showed that performance difficulties only usually lasted for the first minute of sexual activity.


The researchers found that more than a third of participants had never been taught how to use a condom correctly, which could be a major factor in young men believing that using one will affect them in the bedroom. It’s troubling that so many men are lacking basic knowledge when it comes to condom application, calling into question the efficacy—or even existence of—sexual education in schools.

在这项避孕套和勃起的实验中,三分之一的参与者说,他们从来没有接受过避孕套使用方面的教育,他们只是直觉避孕套会影响他们的床笫之欢。这个比例让我们大跌眼镜,对于避孕套的使用竟然有如此多的男士缺乏这方面的相关知识,那么问题来了, 教育部门是不是该把它们写进教科书?

Without adequate grounding in how to practice safe sex, the risk of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases remains that much higher—a consequence that could easily beallayed by putting sexual health provisions in place in more than the 21 states that currently mandate it. Some 37 states reportedly allow for medically inaccurate sex education, according to the Guttmacher Institute, while just 18 require teachers to provide their students with information about contraception.


With damning statistics like these, it’s no wonder bogus—and downright risky—myths about sexual performance have been allowed to proliferate.



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