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发布时间:2019-09-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

One has 7mm venomous fangs that can pierce fingernails, others a bite so powerful it can cut a human in half and one a poisonous sting so painful it can lead to a heart attack.


These are the dangerous animals and insects that tourists could encounter on their holiday, from deadly spiders and killer sharks to poisonous jelly fish and giant hornets. But how worried should holidaymakers be about the wilder types of wildlife that could be lurking near their hotel or swimming near their pedalo?


Japan – giant hornet, blue-ringed octopus

日本 - 大黄蜂、蓝圈八爪章鱼

The Japanese hornet is a fearsome insect, killing up to 40 people a year, while the blue-ringed octopus carries enough venom to kill 26 adult humans.


Africa – hippo, tsetse fly, boomslang, lion

非洲 - 河马、舌蝇、非洲树蛇、狮子

Being hit by a hippo is like being hit by a truck. You should only observe them with a trained guide. The boomslang has a venom more potent than that of a cobra or mamba's, but doesn't have very long fangs. The sub-Saharan tsetse fly transmits the deadly sleeping sickness disease. The lion, also lives in Africa, but kills with claws and teeth.


South Africa – great white shark, cone snail

南非 - 大白鲨、鸡心螺

The great white shark has an immensely powerful bite that can cut a human in half. The cone snail is far smaller but is also capable of killing a human with its venomous barbed dart.


North Africa – Deathstalker

北非 - 以色列金蝎

Some people think that the deathstalker scorpion looks like a toy. Its sting is anything but fun.


Australia – box jelly fish, saltwater crocodile, Sydney funnel web, taipan snake

澳大利亚 - 箱形水母、咸水鳄、悉尼漏斗网蜘蛛、泰斑蛇

Saltwater crocodiles are the largest living reptiles on the planet - some reaching over 20 feet in length. The box jelly fish can kill a human in five minutes with the stings from its tentacles proving so painful they can prompt a heart attack. The Sydney funnel web is able to drive its fangs through a fingernail - and isn't the least bit afraid of humans. The snake on the right - the inland taipan, is the world's deadliest. Fortunately, it has a shy nature.


Arctic – Polar bear

北极 - 北极熊

Polar bear attacks on humans are rare, but there is evidence they are increasing as the sea ice retreats.


Britain - puff adder

英国 - 素饰巨蝰

The common adder is Britain's only poisonous snake and while its venom isn't very toxic, it should still be treated with respect and left alone.


Europe - asp viper, hornet

欧洲 - 毒蝰、大黄蜂

The European hornet isn't as fearsome as its Japanese counter-part, but can be extremely aggressive if its nest is threatened. Bites from the European asp viper aren't normally serious - but in four per cent of cases they're fatal.


USA- killer bees, grizzly bears, bull shark

美国 - 杀人蜂、大灰熊、公牛鲨

Do not stare at a grizzly as it'll see this as a threat, and may go for you. The bull shark's danger partly comes from the fact that it can roam far up rivers and can be aggressive. It's one of the few man-eating sharks.


Central America – Bushmaster

中美洲 - 巨蝮

Thankfully, the deadly Bushmaster - the largest viper in the world - is rarely encountered.


South America– wandering spider, scolopendra, poison dart frog, puffer fish

南美 - 巴西漫游蜘蛛、蜈蚣、毒箭蛙、河豚鱼

Poison dart frogs get their poison from animals they eat on the forest floor and the amount in their system diminishes the longer they're kept in captivity. One tenth of a gram of poison from the puffer fish – of which there are hundreds of species - is enough to kill you. Some people eat them as a delicacy.


Indonesia - Komodo dragon

印尼 - 科莫多龙

Komodo dragons are found only on the Indonesian Archipelago and happily dine on cobras - and even water buffalo. Their saliva is a potent soup of bacteria.


India - tiger, saw scaled viper

印度 - 虎、锯鳞蝰

Tigers are the largest of all big cats and have been known to take down rhinos and small elephants. The saw-scaled viper's temper and wide distribution make it, possibly, the most dangerous snake on earth.


Indo Pacific - stone fish

印度太平洋 - 石鱼

Stepping on a stonefish could be the last thing you'll ever do. They are extremely venomous and very well camouflaged.


Worldwide – mosquito

世界范围 - 蚊子

Mosquitoes can carry malaria - a disease that claims the lives of over 500,000 a year.



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