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发布时间:2019-09-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

POSH and Becks’ eldest son Brooklyn has jetted off to America for the summer where he is believed to have wowed the agencies in Los Angeles.

辣妹和小贝(Posh and Becks)的长子布鲁克林(Brooklyn)日前飞往美国度夏,据信,他令洛杉矶的经纪公司很是惊艳。

The 16-year-old has become the latest celebrity offspring to sign on with a modelling agency, joining the ranks of Lily-Rose Depp, who was recently announced as the face of a new Chanel campaign, Hailey Baldwin (the daughter of Stephen Baldwin), who has fronted campaigns for Topshop, and Georgia May Jagger — the daughter of Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall — who has made a name for herself in campaigns for Chanel and Rimmel.

现年16岁的布鲁克林由此加入了莉莉•罗斯•德普(Lily-Rose Depp)、史蒂芬•鲍德温(Stephen Baldwin)之女海莉•鲍德温(Hailey Baldwin)以及米克•贾格尔(Mick Jagger)和杰莉•霍尔(Jerry Hall)的女儿乔治亚•梅•贾格尔(Georgia May Jagger)的行列,成为签约模特经纪公司的星二代的最新一员。香奈儿最近刚刚宣布莉莉•罗斯•德普为品牌最新代言人,海莉•鲍德温是Topshop广告大片的代言人,而乔治亚•梅•贾格尔则因香奈儿(Chanel)和芮谜(Rimmel)的广告而名声大噪。

“(Brooklyn) has recently signed to a modelling agency. It appears he has a lot of potential for a career in the industry. He is incredibly photogenic and has the handsome looks to be considered for some high-profile, big-money work,” a source close to the family said, according to the Mirror.


Brooklyn has already had a taste of fame, making his modelling debut on the cover of Man About Town, then landing his first official fashion campaign, as the face of Polish brand Reserved in March.


With his school exams completed, acting is also on Brooklyn’s horizon.


“Now he has been encouraged to look into a Hollywood career which he is very excited about. He is yet to sign with an agent though,” the source told the Mirror.


The teen visited the movie set of King Arthur last month, the upcoming film directed by family friend Guy Ritchie.

布鲁克林上个月参观了电影《圆桌骑士:亚瑟王》(King Arthur)的拍摄地,这部即将上映的电影由小贝一家的好友盖•里奇(Guy Ritchie)执导。

He subsequently took to Instagram to express his gratitude for the experience, posting: “3 days on the set of King Arthur, had a great time. Thanks @guyritchie.”


Despite the Beckhams’ superstar status, Victoria insists her children have had a grounded upbringing.


“He’s worked in the local cafe cleaning up dishes for the last two years, which I think is great,” said Victoria of Brooklyn on the Ellen show. “It’s important that the kids have a good work ethic and try to help other people as well.”

维多利亚在《艾伦秀》(Ellen show)中谈及布鲁克林时说:“过去两年,他一直在当地的咖啡店打工洗盘子,我觉得这很好。让孩子们有良好的职业道德,尽力去帮助他人,这是很重要的。”

Brooklyn’s career is set to soar: he signed up to social media in May and has already gained a whopping 3.8 million followers.


The soon-to-be teen hearthrob can be seen rubbing shoulders with the likes of Harry Styles, Ariana Grande and Cara Delevingne among his Instagram selfies.

这位即将走红的青少年偶像在他的Instagram主页上晒出过与哈里•斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles),爱莉安娜•格兰德(Ariana Grande)以及卡拉•迪瓦伊(Cara Delevingne)等人肩并肩靠在一起合拍的自拍照。



hearthrob :万人迷


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