Want to Love Your Job? Fill These 4 Needs
If you're feeling less-than fulfilled by your job, you're not alone: only 13 percent of us are engaged at work. Everyone else is waiting for Friday (and hoping against hope that this weekend, like most, won't be consumed by work emails). Why are things so bad for so many?
"Demand for our time is increasingly exceeding our capacity -- draining us of the energy we need to bring our skill and talent fully to life," write Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath at The New York Times. "Increased competitiveness and a leaner, post-recession work force add to the pressures. The rise of digital technology is perhaps the biggest influence, exposing us to an unprecedented flood of information and requests that we feel compelled to read and respond to at all hours of the day and night."
Tony Schwartz 和 Christine Porath在《纽约时报》上面写道:“对于时间的需求远远超过了我们的能力范围——我们没有精力在生活中发挥自己的技巧和才能了。日趋激烈的竞争和经济萧条之后的劳动力,增加了工作压力。影响最大的或许是数字技术的出现, 因为数字技术让我们在空前的信息流面前暴露无遗, 并且使我们不得不随时阅读信息并做出回应。”
Schwartz is CEO of a company called The Energy Project, which helps businesses improve employee engagement. Working with Harvard Business Review, the company surveyed 12,000 white-collar employees across a variety ofindustries. They found that burnout is pervasive, affecting workers at all levels, from the newest entry-level hire to the top executives.The key to improving employee engagement, their research found, is satisfying four core needs:
Schwartz是精力规划公司的首席执行官, 公司主要是帮助企业提高员工的敬业度。 公司与哈佛商业评估机构合作,对不同行业的12,000位白领进行了调查。调查发现懈怠工作是很普遍的,这种倦怠存在于各个层级的员工之中,范围可从基层员工到高层领导。调查发现,提高员工敬业度的关键在于满足四个核心需求:
1.Physical: having the opportunity to recharge at work.
2.Emotional: feeling valued for your contribution.
3.Mental: being allowed the space to concentrate on important tasks.
4.Spiritual: having the sense of your work's connection to a higher purpose.
Your job doesn't need to fulfill all four of these needs; even when one need is met, engagement and performance improve, and levels of perceived stress decline. But if your job satisfies none of these requirements, it's time to ask yourself if there's something that you can do to change that -- or if it's time to start looking for a new opportunity.
你的工作并不需要完全满足这四点要求; 即使是满足一方面的需求,工作敬业度和表现也会得到提升,而且各种主观压力也会随之降低。 但是,如果你的工作不能满足任何一方面的需求,那么就应当反思自己是不是可以改变这种状况,或者是不是该寻找新的工作机会了。
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