Would you quit your job to travel 20,000km (12,427 miles) cycling from London to Japan? For Andre and Claire, a couple with a healthy sense of adventure and two well-maintained bikes, the risk was one of the best decisions they ever made.
Bred of working in London, where they commuted by bike, the couple made a snap decision to set off on a huge cycling tour, passing through Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Northern India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China and South Korea.
'There is never a perfect time to go on a trip like this ,' Claire tells MailOnline Travel in an email. 'But the only advice I can give is to stop making excuses, be brave and go for it.'
“像我们这样的旅行永远都不会有所谓的最佳时机,” 克莱尔通过邮件告诉《每日邮报旅游报》道,“但我能给的唯一建议就是:别再找借口了,勇敢地去吧!”
Their route, of which they've already cycled 14,000km (8,699 miles), takes them through Poland, Turkey, India, and Vietnam, though they are currently near Mandalay in Myanmar.
Having left London last June, the pair insist that this impulsive decision, which has led them through the deserts of Oman and the mountains of Nepal, was not nearly as difficult as one might imagine.
While embarking on such a journey may seem prohibitively expensive, Claire insists that a budget of £12,000 between the two of them has been sufficient for 18 months on the road.
To cut costs, Andre and Claire purchased second-hand touring bikes and have scoured thrift shops and eBay to find all of the equipment they need.
'While on the trip itself, we avoid restaurants, wild camp as much as possible and shamelessly accept hospitality wherever we can get it,' she explains.
'The great thing about a cycle trip is that you can go at your own pace,' Claire says.
'Our longest day has been 130km and our shortest just 10 - pushing our bike up a muddy track in the Himalayas is not fun!'
But it's the people that they've met along the way that have been the most memorable part of their cross-the-world cycling challenge.
'Inevitably, on a cycle tour, your route will change, you will meet new people, learn about new places and find new spots to visit on the road.'
'We recently came across a 72-year-old American man cycling solo across India and Nepal,' Claire says of their inspiring trek.
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