1.Giving away your freshman status:
1. 长得一张新生脸
Every school has freshmen, and these new faces are generally tolerated if not outright welcomed. Then they go ahead and do something that flaunts the fact that they have no idea what’s
really going on – from failing to refer to traditions or buildings by their proper nicknames to sitting in the front row in a large lecture hall – and they start to lose their cute status and get rather annoying instead. I remember enthusiastically introducing myself to someone who I assumed was a freshman in the dining hall during my first semester; it turns out he was a graduate student trying to catch a quick bite by himself, and he was not amused by my assumption of his freshman status.
2.Buying all the books and trying to do all the reading:
2. 买所有书,读所有材料
Your first college textbook bill will likely be your highest – more experienced students quickly realize libraries, student textbook exchanges, and borrowing from friends are all far more economical. Also, most students eventually come to terms with the fact that the seemingly insurmountable pile of readings is actually insurmountable, and instead become more effective at skimming and forming study groups to split readings.
3.Thinking class timing doesn’t matter:
3. 不屑一顾课程时间安排
The native freshman usually selects courses based purely on the course title and summary, undeterred by the 9am start times or Friday quizzes. The realistic upperclassman first filters by course time when browsing for classes. A few weeks of sleep deprivation and even the most exciting-sounding lectures can sound less appealing than a couple extra hours of sleep, and it is a sad day when Pavlovian conditioning connects engaging lectures on the psychology of happiness to the dreaded sound of your third alarm.
4.Going crazy with your newfound freedom:
4. 挥霍来之不易的自由
When given complete freedom over many previously-structured aspects of their lives, from food choices to sleep schedules, most students completely abuse this privilege before acknowledging the logic of their previous routines. It turns out that subsisting off junk food and two hours of sleep is not a sustainable lifestyle, although freshmen certainly are not alone in completely ignoring all guidelines for good health. Nonetheless, there is a reason we call it the “freshman fifteen”–while the rest of us occasionally indulge in wrecking our bodies, the completely-liberated freshman usually takes this to an extreme.
新生进入大学后,在许多方面都获得了从未有过的自由:从食物选择到睡眠安排,大部分人都会肆无忌惮地滥用这些自由,却意识不到自己过去规律生活的好处。一天到晚吃垃圾食品,只睡两个小时,显然是不良生活习惯,不可持续。尽管不止是新生无视健康的作息准则,但我们说“新生十五磅(freshman fifteen:指新生上大学后会长胖十五磅)”是有理由的——其他年级的学生偶尔作息不规律,但刚获得自由的新生往往会走向极端。
5.Trying to do it all:
5. 总想面面俱到
Good grades, social life, enough sleep. An infamous triangle suggests you can only pick two of the aforementioned three, with most students opting to overboard on the first two. In reality, you can have all three, just in moderation. That might mean occasionally taking B’s, working on Saturday nights, or staying up in time to hear the birds chirp outside, but enough of these experiences will inspire you to become more efficient with work habits.
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