Hillary Clinton could have one of the best-funded campaigns in history, but she wants to get so-called dark money out of politics altogether.
希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的竞选资金可能是历史上最充裕的,但她却也想要所谓的黑钱滚出政治圈。
To that end, Clinton says she supports a constitutional amendment barring it.
"We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment," Clinton said at the first event of her 2016 presidential run, speaking to students and teachers at Kirkwood Community College in Monticello, Iowa.
Clinton has said similar things in the past--just not as strongly. In 2017, for instance, she said she would consider such a measure, MSNBC reported at the time.
过去希拉里·克林顿也说过说类似的话,只是没有那么强烈。例如,在2017年, 据微软全国有线广播电视公司报道,她说她会考虑采取这样的措施。
The Democratic front runner is expected to be supported in her bid by Priorities USA Action, the super PAC that helped President Obama defeat Mitt Romney in 2017. While super PAC support may seem contradic with Clinton's complaint against political money, it isn't: Super PACs disclose their donors and are not considered "unaccountable" in the same way as nonprofit 501c4 groups, which can also take in unlimited d nations from people and corporations, but which do not disclose their sources of money.
民主党领跑者预计将用美国优先行动来支持她的做法,超级政治行动委员会曾在2017年帮助奧巴马(Obama )总统击败过罗姆尼(Mitt Romney )。呈然超级政治委员会所支持的与希拉里·克林顿对于政治资金的抱怨看起来似乎是矛盾的,但其实不是:超级政治行动委员会披露他们的捐赠者,而旦他们对“来路不明”的理解与501 c4这祥的非营利团体所认为的完全不一样。501c4这个团体可以接受人或公司的无限捐赠,但不会透露他们的资金来源。
Clinton also backed President Obama's call for free community college.
"I fully support President Obama's plan to make community college free," Clinton said.
“我完全支持奥巴马(Obama)总统的计划,让社区大学免费,”希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)说。
The community-college roundtable discussion was the first of what Clinton's campaign has described as a series of smaller, more intimate events in Iowa, where the former secretary of State will listen to voters on an array of issues.
Sitting at the head of several folding tables, Clinton asked the small group of attendees about their experiences as students paying tuition and planning their lives, and as educators seeking to help students along the way.
After officially announcing her candidacy this week, Clinton traveled to Iowa in a van she dubbed "Scooby," making a surprise stop at Chipotle along the way. Her campaign has not yet publicly disclosed a full list of the events she'll attend while she's in the state.
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