The US imported more tea than the UK last year for the first time, as an increasing number of young American consumers are choosing the brew over coffee.
US imports of tea have risen 30 per cent by volume in the past decade, according to data from the International Trade Centre. Imports totalled 129,166 tonnes in 2017, compared with the UK’s 126,512 tonnes.
国际贸易中心(International Trade Centre)的数据显示,过去十年美国茶叶进口量增长了30%。2017年,美国总共进口了129166吨茶叶,英国则进口了126512吨。
In the UK — still one of the leading tea consuming nations — sales are declining, with imports falling 20 per cent in the past decade.
Peter Goggi, president of the Tea Association of the USA, said the increase in tea consumption was most pronounced among those aged between 16 and 26. “What we’re seeing is the message that tea is good for your health has really permeated,” he said.
美国茶叶协会(Tea Association)主席彼得•戈吉(Peter Goggi)表示,茶叶消费量增长在16岁到26岁人群当中体现得最明显。他说:“我们发现,喝茶有益健康的理念确实已被广泛接受。”
A survey by pollster YouGov in the US also highlighted the rising popularity of tea among younger consumers. It found that coffee and tea were equally popular among 18 to 29-year-old people but 62 per cent of 45 to 64-year-old people and 70 per cent of over-65s preferred coffee.
Iced tea has always dominated the tea category in the US but anecdotal evidence suggests consumption of hot tea is on the rise.
Tea shops are popping up nationwide, with the drink emerging as a low-fat beverage of choice. Starbucks moved into tea by buying Teavana, a speciality company, in 2017.
The rise in tea consumption in the US comes as coffee drinking is on the wane. According to the National Coffee Association’s latest annual survey, 59 per cent of Americans said they drank a cup of coffee a day, down from 61 per cent in 2017 and 63 per cent in 2013.
在美国茶叶消费量增长之际,咖啡消费量却在减少。美国国家咖啡协会(National Coffee Association)最新年度调查报告显示,59%的美国人表示他们每天会喝一杯咖啡,这一比例低于2017年的61%,也低于2013年的63%。
This is bad news for coffee traders already fretting about the fall in arabica bean prices.
In the UK more people are turning to coffee. Tea consumption has fallen steadily from 1.6kg per person in 2009 to 1.4kg in 2017, compared with a rise in coffee usage from 0.9kg per person to 1.2kg over the same period.
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