It has barely taken any time at all for Chinese counterfeiters to rip-off Apple's latest creation.
Fake versions of the Apple Watch can be bought for as little as £25 - despite the fact the real thing will set you back more than 10 times that.
山寨版的Apple Watch价格不到250元人民币,而正版价格是其十倍之多。
The flagship new product was only launched in San Francisco yesterday but knock-offs are already available in China.
虽然Apple Watch昨天才在旧金山发布,但中国产的山寨版现在已经上市了。
According to CNN Money, they can be found at Huaqiangbei electronics market in the southern city of Shenzhen, and others are being sold nationwide via popular e-commerce websites.
据悉,深圳的华强北电子市场上和某知名网上商城里已有在卖山寨版的Apple Watch了。
They cost between 500 yuan (£50) and 250 yuan and have names like D-Watch and Ai Watch.
这些山寨品价格在250到500元人民币之间,名字有叫D-Watch的,也有叫Ai Watch的。
They even have icons which look like Apple ones on the home screen, though most run a version of the Android operating system made to look like an Apple interface.
They are certainly a lot cheaper than the real thing, which will set you back at least $349 in the US and £299 for the same Sport model in the UK.
山寨版比正版便宜很多,美国和英国的Apple Watch Sport价格至少为349美元(约2185元人民币)和299英镑(约2822元人民币)。
Chinese 'shanzhai', or counterfeiters, have even got their version onto the streets before the Apple Watch itself, as customers of the Cupertino company will have to wait until April 24 to get hold of an actual one.
正版Apple Watch要等到4月24日才开始现货供应,可是中国的山寨版却已经在售卖了。
Laurent Le Pen, founder and CEO of Shenzen-based smartwatch maker Omate, told CNN: 'These guys are specialists.
'The speed at which they can bring copies on the market is amazing.'
'Sometimes need to be an expert to tell the difference between real and fake.'
Sceptical social media users have taken the opportunity to mock the launch of Apple's new Watch with a selection of memes.
网友们也借此机会恶搞了刚刚发布的Apple Watch。
Following yesterday's announcement of the device's details by the company, a collection of photos depicting homemade Apple Watches slowly started to appear.
昨天苹果公司公布Apple Watch的细节之后,一大批网友自制Apple Watch的恶搞图就出现了。
Some people attached iPhones to their wrists with elastic bands, another simply stuck a piece of fruit to their hand and a third made their own version with a regular watch and an Apple sticker.
Mr Cook said at the event at Yerba Buena Centre in California: 'This is the most personal device we have ever created. It's not just with you, it's on you.'
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