不运动就能瘦 每天多吃些浆果吧!-查字典英语网
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不运动就能瘦 每天多吃些浆果吧!

发布时间:2019-09-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Simply swapping a chocolate bar or packet of sweets for a handful of berries as an afternoon snack can lead to nearly a stone of weight loss over a year.


Researchers found that people who snacked on the fruits ate fewer calories at their next meal. While 'super berries' such as acai and goji have been touted for their weight loss virtues, the scientists in this study looked at the effects of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.研究人员发现,下午茶吃水果的人下一餐摄入的热量也相对少一些。虽然‘超级浆果’(例如:黑莓和枸杞)一直被吹捧为具有减肥功效的食物,但是这篇研究的科学家探寻了草莓、树莓、黑莓和蓝莓的效果。

Without doing any exercise, this could lead to 1lb of weight loss a month.


The study was commissioned by Seasonal Berries, which represents the soft fruit industry.


Dr Lewis James, from the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University, said: 'Our research shows an afternoon snack of mixed berries decreases energy intake at dinner.


'It's a simple method that might help people control and lose weight.


'There are a number of potential health benefits of consuming berries, but this is the first time that consuming them as a snack has been shown to reduce how much people eat during the next meal of the day.'


'The cumulative effect of the reduced calories could help people lose the extra pounds without them having to make an effort, or even noticing.'


In the four-month, participants ate a berry snack and were then told to eat a pasta dinner until they were 'comfortably full and satisfied'.


Those who had a sugary snack ate nearly 20 per cent more food at dinner than those who had eaten a handful of berries.


Those who snacked on berries consumed, on average, 134 fewer calories.


Dr James estimated that people switching from an afternoon confectionery snack to mixed berries might expect to reduce their energy intake by 938 calories a week on average.Given that 1lb of body fat is equivalent to around 3,500 calories, this reduction in daily energy intake would could produce a loss of approximately 1lb of body fat a month - or a stone in a year.詹姆斯博士估算到,把下午茶糕点糖果换成混合浆果的人,平均一个星期可以少摄入938大卡的热量。考虑到一磅体脂相当于大约3,500大卡热量,每天少摄入的热量一个月可以减少大约1磅的体脂,或者一年可以减少一个石头的重量。


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