Some of my colleagues have been spreading a story about my having had a secret affair with my boss. The evidence for this is that I sometimes tease him and do not appear to be frightened of him. I am partly amused at the stupidity of it all, but also cross at the misogyny. I am one of the more senior women here; it is depressing if colleagues believe I must have slept my way to the top. Do I laugh it off? Do I try and quash it? And if so, how? Female, 40s
Yes, it is depressing. No one considers the success of a man to be in need of further explanation in terms of who he has slept with. This is a woman’s problem and it is a tricky one.
Should you laugh it off, you ask. That might make sense if this were funny, only it is not.
Should you try to quash it? Most Financial Times readers say no, arguing that you will only make matters worse: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” and all that. Yet every time I hear the quote I regret that Shakespeare ever wrote these words: they are routinely used to discourage anyone from trying to object to anything that does them damage.
你应该澄清谣言吗?《金融时报》的读者大多说别这么做,说这种事只会越描越黑,“我想这女的会解释得太多了”(The lady doth protest too much, methinks,出自《哈姆雷特》——译者注),诸如此类。不过每次我听到这句引语,我都会遗憾莎士比亚(Shakespeare)没写过下面这些文字:所有会伤害到他们的事物,每当有人试图反对时,他们通常习惯于劝说不要反对。
And this rumour about you and your boss is damaging. It is a slight on your skill at your job, on your professional judgment, and (depending on what your boss is like) on your taste in men.
I suggest you first try to find out what you are up against. Ask your friends and allies in the company whether they have heard about it, who told them, and how long it has been doing the rounds.
Once you are armed with some names, I suggest you take matters into your own hands. March up to them and say: “I’ve got some hot gossip for you, did you know that I’m having an affair with my boss?”
Watch them squirm. Then tell them that the gossip is that they were spreading rumours to that effect. Let them wriggle and protest while you raise a sceptical eyebrow. Even if the rumour refuses to die, you will have caused some grievous embarrassment. That, surely, will be a comfort.
You could talk to your boss, but if I were you I would not. I am not frightened of my manager either, but I would not relish the idea of telling him that people thought I was sleeping with him. Quite apart from the trickiness of the conversation, there is the further snag that his reputation is also on the line. If he finds out what people are saying, he might be less likely to promote you for fear of being seen to favour his rumoured mistress.
Otherwise I would not change a thing. For you to tease is absolutely fine. Above all, do not consider working harder to prove that you deserve your place on your own merits. You have already proved that to yourself, and if others do not see it that way, put it down to sexism and envy.
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