赢得一尊奥斯卡 究竟要花多少钱-查字典英语网
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赢得一尊奥斯卡 究竟要花多少钱

发布时间:2019-09-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Hollywood studios spend exorbitant sums of money promoting their Oscar-nominated films to voters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. But exactly how much is spent, and where all that money goes, is something of an industry secret.


This lack of transparency is characteristic of Hollywood in general, says Stephen Follows, a London-based producer who teaches at the National Film and Television School in Britain and blogs frequently about the economics of movies.

伦敦制片人斯蒂芬·福洛斯(Stephen Follows)说,缺乏透明度是好莱坞的总体特征。福洛斯在英国国家电影电视学校(National Film and Television School)任教,经常发表关于电影经济学的博客文章。

“I have a friend who’s an astrophysicist and he laughs at me because he studies dark matter and has more data about his subject than I do of mine,” Mr. Follows said.


In a recent blog post, Mr. Follows delved into the financing of Oscar campaigns. He obtained the Oscar-related promotional budgets for four films nominated for best picture between 2011 and 2017. The figures came from Hollywood consultants and were given to Mr. Follows on the condition that he keep the films’ titles and studios anonymous. While he notes that this sample is hardly representative, it does offer a glimpse into how a typical Oscar campaign might break down financially.


Campaigns for the four films ranged in total cost between $5.3 million and $8.3 million. In all cases, the largest category was advertising — the studios spent on average $3.5 million placing ads targeting Academy voters in trade publications and union magazines. An average of $850,000 per film was spent sending DVD screeners to Academy voters (the screeners are typically individually watermarked, which discourages piracy but makes them much more expensive to produce than a regular DVD, Mr. Follows said).

这四部电影每部的总宣传费在530万美元至830万美元之间。所有四部电影都是在广告方面投资最多,平均费用为350万美元。这些广告发布在行业期刊和协会杂志上,针对的是奥斯卡投票人。每部电影花在给奥斯卡投票人寄送DVD scr版光盘(福洛斯说,这种格式的光盘通常有单独水印,可以防止盗版,但是制作成本比普通DVD高很多)上的平均费用为85万美元。

An additional $1 to $2 million goes to other costs — from publicist fees, to hosting screenings, to sending nominated actors and directors to award-season events.


Estimates on the total amount of money that Hollywood spends each year promoting its nominated films to academy voters have ranged from $100 million to $500 million. Certain winning films, which at first seemed like underdogs for best picture — such as “Shakespeare in Love” (1998) and “The Hurt Locker” (2008) — were reported later to have benefited from multimillion-dollar Oscar campaigns that rivaled their production budgets.

好莱坞每年花在向奥斯卡投票人宣传提名影片上的总费用估计在1亿至5亿美元之间。后来有报道称,某些最初似乎不被看好,但最终获得最佳影片奖的影片受益于堪比制作成本的数百万奥斯卡宣传费,比如《恋爱中的莎士比亚》(Shakespeare in Love, 1998)和《拆弹部队》(The Hurt Locker, 2008)。

But even if a nominated film wins an Oscar, does all this investment eventually pay off?


Only in terms of prestige, Mr. Follows said, because an Oscar gives Hollywood players the clout to secure new projects or demand higher prices. But the actual box office “bounce” from an Oscar win is quite limited.


In 2013, the data analyst Edmund Helmer put the relative box-office value of an Academy Award win at $3 million — often less than half of what a studio spends in its Oscar promotion. A Golden Globe win, by contrast, was worth $14.2 million to a prospective film.

2013年,数据分析师埃德蒙·赫尔墨(Edmund Helmer)计算出奥斯卡获奖影片的相对票房价值为300万美元,这通常不到电影公司奥斯卡宣传费的一半。相比之下,金球奖获奖影片的相对票房价值为1420万美元。

That disparity mostly has to do with timing, Mr. Follows said. Oscar films must debut in American cinemas by the end of the year, but the awards ceremony does not take place until late February (this year on Feb. 22).


“How many films are on the tip of people’s memories for two months? Very, very few,” he said. “Whereas the Globes are happening soon after those films have to be out. If a film wins a Globe, you can go see it the next day. With the Oscars, when something wins, everyone’s like, ‘Oh yeah, I remember that film from last year.”’



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