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发布时间:2019-09-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A collection of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia that includes a lock of the slain president's hair has been sold for more than $800,000 at auction Saturday in Dallas.


The Donald P. Dow collection brought top bids totaling $803,889, doubling expectations, said Eric Bradley, spokesman for Dallas-based Heritage Auctions.

美国达拉斯传统拍卖行(Heritage Auctions)的发言人埃里克·布拉德利(Eric Bradley)表示,此次拍卖的遗物都是收藏家唐纳德·道(Donald P. Dow)的私人藏品,总计成交价为803889美元,是预期成交价的两倍。

Greg Dow said his father, who died five years ago, was fascinated with presidential assassinations.


The lock of hair, taken by Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes shortly after Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth, sold for $25,000.

林肯的那一缕头发是在他遇刺后不久由外科医生约瑟夫·巴恩斯(Joseph Barnes)剪下的,成交价是2.5万美元(约合人民币16万元)。

An 1861 letter written by Booth to a friend boasting about his career and value as an actor sold for $30,000.

同时拍卖的还有刺杀林肯的凶手布思(John Wilkes Booth)于1861年写给朋友的一封信。在信中,他吹嘘了自己的职业以及作为演员的价值。这封信最终以3万美元(约合人民币19万元)成交。

"The public was so disgusted by Booth's atrocity that most all letters, signatures and documents mentioning him were destroyed after Lincoln's death, making any that survive 150 years later exceedingly rare and valuable," said Don Ackerman, Consignment Director for Historical Americana at Heritage Auctions. "The Dow Collection gave us a unique perspective of the assassination and I doubt we'll ever see a grouping like this outside of a museum setting."

“林肯遇刺后,美国民众对布思的暴行深恶痛绝,绝大多数提到他的信件、签名和文件均遭销毁,以至任何能保存150年的文本都显得极为罕见和弥足珍贵。”传统拍卖行美国史料托管主任唐·阿克曼(Don Ackerman)说道,“唐纳德·道的藏品从一个独特的视角来还原这次暗杀事件,这可能是我们在博物馆之外看到的最完整的一套私人藏品。”

Other items auctioned Saturday included:


— a clipping of linen from Lincoln's death bed and stained with Lincoln's blood, for $6,000.


— an 1864 letter signed by Lincoln and authorizing prisoner-of-war swap involving Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's son from a Union POW camp, for $27,500.

—林肯在1864年签署的一封批准战俘交换的文书,其中包括当时关在北部联邦军战俘营里的南部邦联军将军罗伯特·李(Robert E. Lee)之子(以27,500美元成交,约合人民币17万元)

— A display of photographs and autographs from Lincoln, Booth and Boston Corbett, the soldier who shot and killed Booth — a set nicknamed "The Martyr, The Assassin and The Avenger" — which sold for $30,000.

—林肯、布思和波士顿·科比特(Boston Corbett,击杀布思的士兵)的一组照片和签名,又名《受难者,暗杀者和复仇者》(The Martyr, The Assassin and The Avenger)(以3万美元成交,约合人民币19万元)

— a set of four oil paintings created for a carnival side show displaying the mummified remains of a man claimed to be Booth, for $30,000.


— Booth's military arrest warrant, for $21,250.


— a framed White House Funeral Admittance Card, for $11,875.


— a letter signed by Mary Todd Lincoln on her personal mourning stationery, for $10,625.



lock: (一) 绺

top bids: 最高报价

atrocity: 暴行

clipping: 剪下物

linen: 亚麻布

prisoner-of-war: 战俘

autograph: 亲笔签名

mummified: 木仍伊化的


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