刺杀金正恩正式上映 全美争相观看-查字典英语网
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刺杀金正恩正式上映 全美争相观看

发布时间:2019-09-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Thousands of US moviegoers were planning to watch screenings of the controversial comedy about the assassination of North Korea’s dictator on Christmas Day, openly defying threats from hackers who have warned of dire consequences for people who visit the cinemas.


Many more across the country had already begun watching The Interview from the safety of their homes, after an unprecedented decision by Sony to make the movie available for rental online on Christmas Eve.


Sony controversially cancelled its holiday screenings of The Interview earlier this month after the company was hacked in an attack the FBI linked to North Korea.


Sony changed course on Tuesday and announced it had arranged a limited released of the movie in hundreds of cinemas across the country. The reversal followed days of intense criticism of the studio’s decision to cave to the threats. The critics included president Barack Obama, who last week told reporters: “We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States.”


While the major cinema chains are still not screening the film, its release is proving a boon to smaller and independent theaters. Sony will also profit from the decision to make the movie available online, through platforms such as Youtube Movies and Xbox Video.


From 1pm ET on Wednesday, the movie could be streamed for $5.99 and purchased for $14.99, including from a dedicated website set-up by Sony.


The slapstick film, which stars Seth Rogen and James Franco, could be given a wider release if this week’s hastily-arranged screenings pass without incident.


“It has always been Sony’s intention to have a national platform on which to release this film,” said Sony Pictures chair and CEO Michael Lynton in a statement Wednesday.


“It was essential for our studio to release this movie, especially given the assault upon our business and our employees by those who wanted to stop free speech. We chose the path of digital distribution first so as to reach as many people as possible on opening day, and we continue to seek other partners and platforms to further expand the release.”



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