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发布时间:2019-09-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Britain has a higher proportion of single parent families than any other country in Western Europe, official figures show.


An analysis across the EU showed that nearly one in five British families are headed by a single adult.


And while 18.4 per cent of families in this country have a solo parent, numbers come to just 12.7 per cent in Germany, 14.4 per cent in France and 10.6 per cent in the Netherlands.


In Belgium – long considered the closest continental comparison to Britain for single parents – the share is 16.1 per cent. In Ireland, it is 18.1 per cent.


The proportion of single parents is higher only in Eastern Europe, which have suffered a lack of state support for the family unit and high levels of social problems such as alcoholism.


The figures, published by the EU statistics arm Eurostat, are fresh evidence of the decline of family stability in Britain.


Last week it emerged that 16-year-olds in this country are more likely to have a smartphone (62 per cent) than live with both parents (57 per cent).


Family researcher and author Patricia Morgan said: ‘It is deplorable that we now find ourselves in the same situation as Eastern European countries.’

家庭问题研究者兼作家帕特丽夏·摩根(Patricia Morgan)说:“可叹的是,到头来我们发现,我们自己和东欧国家落得同样的处境。”

Despite children from two parent families being more likely to do well at school and have good health, the UK accounts for five of the top 20 cities in Europe for single parenting.


According to the latest EU analysis, these include Belfast, where 34.6 per cent of families are lone parent; Liverpool has 31.5 per cent; Glasgow 31 per cent; the Inner London East zone 30.7 per cent; and Birmingham 26.9 per cent.


While divorce rates have been falling in recent years, rates of break-up among cohabiting parents remain four times higher than those for married couples.


Several judges are in favour of more legal rights for partners who live together, and Lib Dem peer Lord Marks has launched a Bill to bring in a law for cohabitees.


But critics believe that giving legal status to cohabiting couples would encourage parents not to marry and lead to even more family breakdown.


In 2013, the Office for National Statistics estimated there are 1.9million lone parent families in England and Wales whose children are school age or younger. It said around a quarter of all families with dependent children are led by solo parents.

2013年,英国国家统计局(the Office for National Statistics)估计,在英格兰和威尔士,有190万单亲家庭的孩子已到或快到上学年龄。据称,有孩子的家庭中,约有四分之一的家庭由单亲家长操持。

And one in three British couples raising children have a child from a previous relationship in their family unit, according to a report by Aviva last year.



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