美国肯塔基州空难 7岁女孩奇迹生还-查字典英语网
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美国肯塔基州空难 7岁女孩奇迹生还

发布时间:2019-09-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A seven-year-old girl survived when a small plane in which she was flying with her family crashed in the Kentucky woods, killing her parents, an older sister and a teenage cousin, police said on Saturday.


The crash Friday night killed 48-year-old Marty Gutzler, his 46-year-old wife, Kimberly Gutzler, their nine-year-old daughter Piper Gutzler and 14-year-old Sierra Wilder, a cousin, according to Kentucky State Police. The family was from Nashville, Illinois, police said.

当地警方表示,上周五晚的空难酿成4人死亡:来自纳什维尔(Nashville)的48岁马蒂·古茨勒(Marty Gutzler)、他46岁的妻子金伯莉·古茨勒(Kimberly Gutzler)、他们的9岁女儿派珀·古茨勒(Piper Gutzler)和她的14岁表姐西拉·维尔德(Sierra Wilder)。

The surviving daughter was able to walk to a nearby home to seek help, police said. She was then taken to an area hospital and treated for minor injuries, before being released to a family member early this morning, said Kentucky State Police spokesman Dean Patterson.

当地警方发言人迪恩·帕特森(Dean Patterson)称,幸存的女孩负伤走到附近一户人家求助,她被送到当地医院治疗,伤势并无大碍。第二天早上她被一个亲戚领走。

The girl's name was withheld at the request of family members, he said.


"When you have a small plane crash in a wooded area it is going to cause significant damage," said Patterson. "It is amazing to me that the smallest person in that aircraft was the one that survived."


An area homeowner, Larry Wilkins, told CNN that the girl was crying and bloodied when she showed up at his door, nearly a mile from the crash site, and told him her parents were dead. "She's a terribly brave little girl," Wilkins said.

附近居民拉里·威尔金斯(Larry Wilkins)向CNN记者表示,女孩哭着、流着血走到他家门前,大约走了一英里(约1.6公里),女孩说她的父母都死了。威尔金斯赞道:“她真是个勇敢的小姑娘。”

The family had spent the New Year's holiday in Florida, visiting a son who lives there, and was returning home when the plane went down.


The Gutzlers were part-owners of a family-owned furniture store that has served the southern Illinois community of Nashville for five decades. Employees and customers alike were in mourning, said family friend and store employee Troy Dunbar.

古茨勒家与他人共同经营着一间家具店,这家店在伊利诺斯州(Illinois)南部的纳什维尔区已经开了五十年。他们的朋友和雇员特洛伊·邓巴(Troy Dunbar)表示,员工和顾客都对此深表哀悼。

"This whole community is heartbroken," he said.


Marty and Kim Gutzler's Facebook pages feature pictures of the couple celebrating New Year's Eve with a lobster dinner, as well as photos of the couple and the children packed into their airplane.


Dunbar said he had been told the girl had suffered a broken arm in the crash.


"She was so attached to her dad," he said. "He would bring her into the store a lot and she was never out of his sight."



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