Scientists have made primitive forms of artificial sperm and eggs in a medical feat that could transform the understanding of age-related diseases and fertility problems.
Researchers inCambridgemade the early-stage sex cells by culturing human embryonic stem cells under carefully-controlled conditions for a week.
They followed the success by showing that the same procedure can convert adult skin tissue into precursors for sperm and eggs, raising the prospect of making sex cells that are genetically matched to patients.
The cells should have the potential to grow into mature sperm and eggs, though this has never been done in the lab before. The next step for the researchers will be to inject the cells into mouse ovaries or testes to see if they fully develop in the animals.
British law prohibits fertility clinics in theUKfrom using artificial sperm and eggs to treat infertile couples. But if the law was revised, skin cells could potentially be taken from patients and turned into genetically identical sperm or eggs for use in IVF therapies.
Skin cells from a woman could only be used to make eggs because they lack the Y chromosome. Those from a male might theoretically be turned into eggs as well as sperm, but Azim Surani, who led the work at the Gurdon Institute inCambridge, said that on the basis of current knowledge, that was unlikely.
理论上讲,由于女性皮肤细胞没有Y型染色体,只能用来制造卵子;而男性皮肤细胞既可以转换成卵子,又能成为精子。此次研究由剑桥大学古尔登研究所(the Gurdon Institute)的阿齐姆·苏伦尼(Azim Surani)领导。但他表示,在现有的医学基础上,这一想法还很难实现。
Researchers have made sperm and eggs from rodent stem cells before but have struggled do the same with human cells. In 2017, Japanese scientists created mouse eggs from stem cells and used them to make baby mice. Three years earlier, scientists atNewcastleUniversityclaimed to have made human sperm from stem cells, but their scientific paper was retracted amid allegations of plagiarism. In 2002, US researchers produced male and female mouse pups from male stem cells.
研究人员先前曾用啮齿动物的干细胞制造精卵,但在人类细胞相关研究的过程却无比艰难。2017年,日本科学家利用老鼠干细胞培育生殖细胞,并以此繁衍出新生老鼠。2009年,纽卡斯尔大学(New castle University)的科学家就声称用人类干细胞培育出了精子,但所发论文涉嫌抄袭,被迫撤回。而早在2002年,美国科学家就用雄性老鼠干细胞培育出小老鼠。
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