最美萝莉 俄罗斯9岁超模引争议-查字典英语网
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最美萝莉 俄罗斯9岁超模引争议

发布时间:2019-09-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Kristina Pimenova may only be nine years old, but she's been a hugely successful model since the age of three, and is widely touted 'the most beautiful girl in the world.'


Kristina, from Moscow, Russia, has been walking catwalks since the age of four, graced the prestigious cover of Vogue Bambini when she was seven, and has already been the face of Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and Benetton, among others.

克里斯汀娜来自俄罗斯莫斯科,四岁开始在T台上走秀,七岁的时候登上欧洲著名童装杂志《VOGUE bambini》的封面,现在已是罗伯特·卡沃利、D&G、阿玛尼、贝纳通等多家世界著名服装品牌的代言人。

She also has a legion of fans - more than two million Facebook followers - but also a large handful of concerned critics who insist she's being sexualized. Indeed, recent comments on her Instagram photos include users declaring her a 'babe' and praising her 'long legs.'


With her long honey blonde hair, piercing azure eyes and angelic facial features, Kristina's breathtaking beauty is undeniable.


Her mother Glikeriya Shirokova, unsurprisingly a former model herself, seemingly manages her daughter's career and mans her various social media accounts.


She regularly updates Kristina's Instagram feed with photos of her, both professional and candid, and states that Kristina 'DOES NOT post on the internet.'


The nine-year-old's Facebook biography reads: 'She first got started in modelling when she was 3 years old, anywhere her mom would go, people would tell her how adorable Kristina was and tell her to try modelling.


'Her mom decided to try it out and Kristie soon realized how much fun it was, especially catwalk and fashion shows.“


'She's been having a blast ever since and is still loving every minute of it.'


Kristina's father is Ruslan Pimenov, a 33-year-old retired footballer who played for Russia in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.


Little is known about Kristina's older sister Natalia - her only sibling - but one fan site, Kristina Pimenova UK, states she is 15, studying in England and presumably not a model.


Kristina, having evidently won the genetic lottery in more ways than one, is also a gifted competitive gymnast.


Although she only models children's clothing, and wears little - if any - make-up in her professional shots, photos which involve her wearing shorts or little skirts often invite disturbing comments.


'Creepy pic for a child,' writes one commenter of a candid photo of Kristina wearing leopard print hot pants, while another, seemingly male user, wrote: 'I like it.'


'You are sexifying your daughter and parents like you are the reason why girls grow up to have many issues... also there are so many sick ppl out their that look at these in sexually ways.


'My child would never ever ever ever ever wear shorts this tight and small ever [sic].'


Her mother Glikeriya claims she frequently deletes inappropriate comments, and lists 'rules' on Kristina's Facebook page including: 'All the content shared on this page should be kid friendly.


'Any video or pictures posted here that is not appropriate for Kristina's age will be deleted and whoever posted it will be blocked.'


She also states: 'Kristina's pictures can not be used for role playing.'


Some argue that Kristina's photos are entirely innocent and that adults are projecting their own agendas onto essentially neutral images.


'You can say her expression is sultry in her photos, or suggestive, or too mature,' one London-based model agent, who prefers to remain anonymous, tells MailOnline.


'Or you can say she looks moody and sulky. Essentially, you're just looking at a girl who happens to be extraordinary beautiful. Perhaps if her face was that of an average-looking child, no-one would be having this conversation.'



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