An Iowa elementary school principal was taped onto a gym wall by his students on Friday.
Ryan Castle of Colorado Elementary School let 27 students tape him to a wall at his school. He stayed up there, suspended above the floor, from the morning until lunch time.
Castle earlier agreed to the stunt, provided the student body sold 10,000 fall festival tickets - and 11,000 fall festival tickets to the October 10th event were purchased.
Twenty-seven top-selling students were allowed to tape Castle up.
Castle was photographed wearing a fake mustache because it was Mustache Day for the school.
Castle's stunt comes after at least three other recent cases of school principals being taped up for a good cause.
On Wednesday, Jay Woller of La Crescent Elementary School in Minnesota was taped after $21,000 was collected through fundraising.
Last month, Randy Ten Pas of Hull Christian School in Iowa was taped with duct tape totaling 3,300 feet - as a symbolic reward for students' fundraising efforts coming to $3,300.
Ten Pas was photographed wearing a blue wig and with a drawing of the Denver Broncos logo next to him.
丹佛野马(英语:Denver Broncos)是一支位于科罗拉多州丹佛的职业美式足球球队。
At St. Mary Catholic School in Orange, Texas, principal Donna Darby offered a similar ticket-selling challenge to students in September.
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