Councillors in a small town in Poland have banned Winnie the Pooh claiming the bear is of 'dubious sexuality', is 'inappropriately dressed' and is 'half-naked'.
Officials in Tuszyn, central Poland even attacked author AA Milne, describing him as 'disturbing'.
The town was considering a special mascot for their new children's playground and someone suggested the popular creation.
However, some members of the council attacked the plan, claiming that Winnie the Pooh was a dangerous influence on children.
Councillor Ryszard Cichy, 46, said: 'The problem with that bear is it doesn't have a complete wardrobe.
'It is half-naked which is wholly inappropriate for children.'
He then suggested a Polish fictional bear, saying: 'Ours is dressed from head to toe, unlike Pooh who is only dressed from the waist up.'
The meeting, which was recorded by one of the councillors and leaked to local press, then turned on Winnie the Pooh's sexuality.
One official is heard saying: 'It doesn't wear underpants because it doesn't have a sex. It's a hermaphrodite.'
Councillor Hanna Jachimska then began criticising the Winnie the Pooh author Alan Alexander Milne.
She said: 'This is very disturbing but can you imagine! The author was over 60 and cut his [Pooh's] testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity.'
The councillors have yet to make a formal decision about which bear will be the patron of the children's playground.
But Winnie the Pooh is not a candidate, they said.
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