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发布时间:2019-09-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

"QUOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO" is the book that gave new meaning to the term "must-read." First published in 1964, and distributed by the hundreds of millions, it was the catechism of the Cultural Revolution, a compendium of snippets from speeches and writings by Mao Zedong that each and every Chinese citizen was expected not just to flip through, but also to study, memorize and recite.


Pop quizzes separated the good students from the bad, with the threat of serious consequences. Shoppers who turned up at the state food stores, for example, could expect a thorough grilling before they were waved through — or not.


"The Little Red Book," as it came to be known outside China, a reference to its red binding, is the subject of "Quotations of Chairman Mao: 50th Anniversary Exhibition, 1964-2017," at the Grolier Club, where it opened on Wednesday. The exhibition puts on display books and propaganda material from the collection of Justin G. Schiller, an antiquarian book seller who, with his partner, Dennis M. V. David, runs Battledore Ltd. in Kingston, N.Y.

在中国以外的地方,这本书因其红色装帧被称为“小红书”。星期三,一场名为“毛主席语录:50周年展,1964-2017”在格罗列尔俱乐部举行,主题正是“小红书”。该展览将展出贾斯汀·G·希勒(Justin G. Schiller)收集的书籍和宣传材料,他是一位古董书商,与合作伙伴丹尼斯·M·V·大卫(Dennis M. V. David)共同在纽约州金斯顿经营“板羽球”有限公司。

Mr. Schiller, known as a specialist in children's books, especially the work of Maurice Sendak, developed his somewhat unusual fixation on a trip to China in 1998, when he visited the National Library in Beijing and asked how to identify a first edition of the "Quotations.”

希勒是童书专家,特别精通莫里斯·桑达克(Maurice Sendak)的书籍,1998年他访问中国期间才开始有了这个多少有些不同寻常的爱好。当时他去北京的国家图书馆,想问如何鉴别第一版的《语录》。

The complicated answer led him down a winding trail. He got his hands on a first edition, but soon became intrigued by the Cultural Revolution and Mao worship, epitomized in the "Quotations" and its myriad spinoffs: propaganda posters, toys, decorated mirrors, carafes, tea trays and lapel pins, all represented in the Grolier exhibition.


"I became interested in the whole pattern of how the book grew and developed," Mr. Schiller said. “Ultimately, my interest grew into a collection."


The exhibition begins at the beginning, and even before, with several precursor anthologies that can be seen as steppingstones to the "Quotations," first issued with a white paper cover in spring 1964. Vinyl bindings in three shades of blue were tried out, but within a few months, the red vinyl cover with an incised red star in the center, now familiar, appeared, and red it remained, all over the world. One of the more arresting display cases includes nearly identical copies of the “Quotations” in dozens of languages, from Albanian to Uighur.


It was Lin Biao, Mao's minister of defense and, for a time, his designated successor, who hit on the idea of presenting the leader's thoughts in an easily digested format. Aware that the often poorly educated soldiers of the People's Liberation Army had, at best, a rudimentary understanding of Mao's political ideas, Lin ordered the army newspaper to publish brief excerpts from Mao every day. These could be absorbed in bite-size pieces and then analyzed by each brigade in evening study sessions guided by superior officers.


The newspaper feature proved so successful that the army's General Political Department put together a book, with Mao's thoughts organized by topic into 30 chapters. By the time the canonical third edition came out in 1965, the anthology ran to 270 pages, with 33 chapters and 427 quotations. The presses ran overtime to churn out enough copies to put in the hands of every Chinese citizen.


By 1967, about 700 million books had been printed, and it has been estimated that five billion copies had been printed by the end of the 20th century, with editions in 52 languages. Mr. Schiller has copies in all but two of them, Pashto and Turkish. A Braille edition is included in the exhibition.


Many copies ended up being a few pages shorter. In 1971, Lin, rumored to be plotting against Mao, fled China and died when his airplane crashed in Mongolia. A Party decree required anyone who had the "Quotations" to rip out from the book's opening pages Lin's endorsement, in his reproduced calligraphy, and, where applicable, a preface he wrote in December 1966.


The prose of the "Quotations" was prosaic — "The masses have a potentially inexhaustible enthusiasm for socialism," one typical excerpt begins — and at times baffling. It is hard to know what lesson even the most ardent Communist might have drawn from this: "One can get a grip on something only when it is grasped firmly, without the slightest slackening. Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all. Naturally, one cannot get a grip on something with an open hand. When the hand is clenched as if grasping something but is not clenched tightly, there is still no grip."


The words hardly mattered. The book held sway as a symbol, not a program of ideas, which is why it lent itself so readily to propaganda uses. Bold posters showed crowds holding the book aloft, their faces radiant with joy. At home, citizens could pour water from a "Little Red Book" carafe, wake up to a "Little Red Book” alarm clock with a soldier's arm waving the book back and forth, and watch as their children played with rubber "Little Red Book" dolls.


One of the more intriguing examples is a rosy-cheeked boy who holds a rifle in one hand, a red book in the other, and presses one foot firmly down on the head of an American soldier with a military policeman's helmet. "They squeak when you press them," Mr. Schiller said.


There is a book of songs, “Quotations of Chairman Mao Tse-tung Set to Music," that includes ditties like "A Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party." Mr. Schiller owns a “Quotations" LP that came with an exercise book, so that listeners could get a Party-endorsed workout while enjoying the music.


In the West, the book commanded the attention of two audiences. The Maoist faithful, small in numbers but fervent, drank it in like a revolutionary elixir. Publishers saw it as an invitation to sell parody books, both satirical (“Quotations From Chairman L.B.J.") and serious ("Quotations From Chairman Jesus”). Such was the power of the brand that, decades after Mao's death, publishers churned out “Quotations" parodies for Jesse Ventura and Tony Blair.

在西方,这本书主要吸引两种读者。一种是忠诚的毛主义者,他们人数虽少,但却非常狂热,将之视为革命的灵丹妙药,照单全收。另外就是觉得可以趁此机会卖点戏仿书籍的出版商。这些戏仿有的是讽刺,如《林敦·约翰逊主席语录》(Quotations From Chairman L.B.J.);有的是严肃的,如《耶稣主席语录》(Quotations From Chairman Jesus)。这就是品牌的力量,以至于毛去世几十年后,出版商还在炮制戏仿的杰西·文图拉(Jesse Ventura)和托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)语录。

Readers inclined to scoff at what is probably the world's most popular book, after the Bible, might take a look at the American best-seller lists in the mid-1960s, when the Cultural Revolution kicked into gear. While thousands of Red Guard zealots held the red book aloft, shouting revolutionary slogans, American readers thrilled to "Valley of the Dolls" and "How to Avoid Probate." There is no accounting for taste.

《毛主席语录》或许是这个世界上最畅销的书籍,仅次于《圣经》,倾向于嘲弄这本书的人不妨看看美国60年代中期的畅销书单,当时“文化大革命”刚刚开始。当成千上万狂热的红卫兵高举红宝书,高呼革命口号的时候,美国读者正在为《娃娃谷》(Valley of the Dolls)和《怎样避免遗嘱认证》(How to Avoid Probate)而着迷。品味这东西真是很难说。


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