美国电话诈骗花样百出 却令人备感熟悉-查字典英语网
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美国电话诈骗花样百出 却令人备感熟悉

发布时间:2019-09-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Barely a week passes in this house without one of us picking up the phone to an automated call offering my parents a free medical alert system. Of course, it is not free, but rather a well-known fraud trying to get their credit card information either for a donation, shipping or some additional emergency service.


Luckily, because I live with my parents, who are in their 80s, I am not only their medical alert system (shout if you fall) but also their fraud alert system (hang up if they call). Last month, there was the guy who phoned saying my mother had made an appointment with a lawn service (she had not), asking for a prepayment. Then there was the large package that arrived a few days ago — some cleaning supplies my father bought that, unbeknown to him, did not cost $12 but rather $100, once the extra fees were added to what appeared to be a box of Clorox. “The moment I gave my credit card, they automatically added more products I didn’t want,” he told me in his defense.

我的父母都80多岁了。幸运的是,我和他们住在一起,我不仅是他们的医疗警报系统(如果他们摔倒了,大喊一声我就听到了),而且是他们的诈骗警报系统(如果有人打诈骗电话,我会让他们挂掉)。上个月,有个家伙打电话说我妈预约了修草坪服务(她其实没有预约),要求提前付款。几天前,我们收到了一个大包裹,里面是我爸在不知情的情况下购买的一些清洁用品,不过,费用不是12美元,而是100美元,那箱东西不过是高乐氏漂白水,却增加了额外费用。“我一提供自己的信用卡,他们就自动添加了一些我不想要的产品, ”我爸为自己辩护说。

My friend Karen’s biggest problem with her mother, who lives in an assisted living facility, is not her mind (she has early dementia) but rather her mail (60 solicitations a day).


“Many days she will tell me she is too busy doing her ‘work’ to go out to lunch with me,” said Karen, who discovered last year just how many thousands of dollars in checks her mother was writing to organizations claiming to protect Social Security, wildlife, children in need and the military (including one asking for funds to buy sewing kits for soldiers in Afghanistan). “She thinks she is paying her bills,” said Karen, adding that many of the letters are stamped “act now” or “overdue,” even though she obviously owes nothing to these charities, many of which are bogus.


Karen’s mother is now angry that her daughter has taken away her checkbook, since neither Karen nor the staff members have the time to sort through bags of mail each day. “Once you give money to one of these scams, the others seem to find you and the mail just increases,” said Karen, who now fears her mother is sending cash donations. But it was another incident — in which her mother nearly agreed to meet a man in a parking lot who claimed her grandson was in trouble and in need of $5,000 — that truly frightened my friend. (Fortunately, it was thwarted by her mother’s banker calling Karen with a head’s up that she had just requested a cashier’s check for an emergency.)


My friend Fran’s mother, however, was not so lucky, and within a month lost $40,000 to a network of phone thieves, who told her she had won a contest with a large cash prize that would be deposited into her bank account once she gave them access. After giving them her bank and credit card account numbers, they then linked them to a PayPal account from which they proceeded to steal her money. It was only after they pirated her landline, which was then used to robocall their other victims around the world, that her children, now unable to reach her at home, discovered what was happening to their mother.


“They were calling her on her cellphone all day and night, demanding more and more information they promised would result in her winning this prize money,” recalled Fran, who then contacted the F.B.I. “The scariest thing is they had built up this relationship with her and she trusted them,” Fran said, adding that they had started asking about whether she had a mortgage on the house. “That was what was next on their agenda, taking her home.”


But what is far worse is what these schemes do emotionally to older people. “We had to change all my mother’s phone numbers, which meant her friends could not reach her and she lost all confidence and trust in her helpers,” Fran said. “She was mostly just horribly embarrassed,” she added, “and, of course, it affected her health.”


I know I don’t want to stop my parents from giving money to their favorite community organizations and Catholic charities (as long as they are real ones), nor am I immune to an alluring infomercial (what lured my father into the overpriced bleach box).


My family still kids me about the ’70s box set (12 CDs of Tony Orlando and Dawn, the Captain & Tennille and Helen Reddy) that I was seduced into buying for an exorbitant price when we first moved back to the United States four years ago. But I also think our generation is smarter when it comes to these kinds of cybercrimes than our parents are.

四年前我们刚搬回美国时,我没抵挡住诱惑,买下了漫天要价的70年代流行歌曲套装(包括托尼·奥兰多和道恩乐团[Tony Orlando and Dawn]、船长和坦尼尔组合[Captain & Tennille]以及海伦·雷迪[Helen Reddy]的12张CD)。直到现在我的家人还拿这事嘲笑我。但是我觉得我们这一代对这种网络犯罪比父母们更警觉一些。

Though who knows until we are old and it happens to us.



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