Forget Nessie: there's another insidious creature living in the waters of Scotland. The story starts in the streams and lakes of the northwestern United States, where North American signal crayfish are a familiar sight. Turn over a rock and you may well encounter one. But in Scottish streams and lochs, these creatures are intruders. American crayfish may be destroying the catch.
Allen Pleus, with the Department of Fish and Wildlife in Washington State, says that the signal crayfish is an important species in his region. It's the only native crayfish species, and the freshwater crustaceans are are just another part of the ecosystem. "They play well with others," he says. "They've learned to be good neighbors with the other native species." But those same crayfish wreak havoc in Scottish waters.
Matt Mitchell has been casting his line into these waters for about 40 years. "This area is probably, if not the best, certainly one of the best trout fisheries in the world," he says. One day Mitchell got a call from an angler friend. The conversation changed Mitchell's life. "I could not believe the number of crayfish that were in this part of the river. You could literally walk across the river standing on crayfish!"
The North American signal crayfish, which had been introduced to English waters decades ago and spread steadily north, were taking over. "They were big animals. I mean, some of these things were about 10, 12 inches long." At that size, they don't even look like crayfish; they look like lobsters. Animals that big, Mitchell says, are more than a decade old; he guesses they've been in the river for 12 years.
The problem isn't just the size or quantity of the intruders; it's that the signal crayfish eat the same insects and larvae as the prize-winning trout that are native to these streams. Mitchell's colleague Ian Miller is the man who first placed that concerned phone call from the Clyde Burn all those years ago. With the arrival of the crayfish, Miller says, "Stoneflies are gone — basically wiped off the face of the Earth." That's a problem, because stoneflies are an important food for the fish. No trout food means no trout.
Turns out, Washington State is struggling with a similar problem. "Unfortunately, we now have our own invasive-species crayfish in this area — mostly red swamp crayfish from the southern United States," he says. That's right. At the same time that the North American signal crayfish are taking over rivers and streams in Scotland, they're being crowded out of rivers and streams in their native habitat byother invasive crayfish — interlopers from Louisiana.
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