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发布时间:2019-09-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Now that the vacation suitcases are put away and the children are back in school, it may be time to start planning for something that you may have been putting off-a divorce.


Divorce is a huge step and not one to be taken lightly due in part to its enormous emotional and financial ramifications. But as the economy continues to improve, more couples who have postponed their divorces are likely to pursue them.


National U.S. divorce statics are pretty lousy. There is no reliable central database and some states, most notably California, don't even count the number of divorces annually.


That said, the reported number of divorces runs at about 40% of marriages. In 2011, for instance, there were 877,000 divorces and 2.1 million marriages, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

但据称离婚数量已经相当于结婚数量的大约40%。例如,据全美健康统计中心(National Center for Health Statistics)数据,2011年有210万对新人结婚,但有877,000对夫妇离婚。

Whether it's the seven-year itch or you're just plain unhappy and you feel it's time to make a change, there a few things you need to consider before you file.


1. Know What You Own and Make Copies.

1. 了解你拥有什么并且备份

Gather as much information as possible, as early as possible, regarding your family's finances, says Solon Vlasto, a financial planner in McLean, Va. 'As a divorce progresses, documentation becomes more difficult to locate,' he says.

弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩的理财规划师Solon Vlasto说,尽早、尽可能多的收集有关家庭财务方面的信息。他说,随着离婚过程的推进,文件会越来越难找。

Begin by making a list of assets, debts and sources of income. Try to obtain at least three years of tax returns. Gather employee and retirement-benefit information and insurance documents. Make copies of everything.


Start tracking expenses, if you haven't already. The more information you collect, the better. There will be a point in the divorce where you'll have to review your cost of living, Mr. Vlasto says.


Create a record of all valuables such as jewelry, art and collectibles, says Nicole Feuer, a divorce mediator in Westport, Conn. 'Take photos, as sometimes these items can 'disappear' in a divorce,' she says.

康涅狄格州Westport的离婚调解员Nicole Feuer说,要有一份珠宝、艺术品和收藏品等所有贵重物品的记录。拍下照片,因为有的时候在办理离婚的过程中这些物品可能会“不翼而飞”。James Gambaccini, a financial planner in Fairfax, Va., says you should sign up for electronic statements for all of your individual accounts so that your spouse can no longer see these by opening the mail. Also, be sure to change your individual account passwords so that your spouse isn't tempted to log in to your accounts, he says.

弗吉尼亚州Fairfax的理财规划师James Gambaccini说,所有的个人账户都应该申请电子账单,否则你的配偶拆开信封就可以看到这些信息。此外还要修改个人账户密码,以防你的配偶忍不住去登陆你的账户。

Don't hide money, though, says Lili Vasileff, a collaborative-divorce practitioner in Greenwich, Conn. 'It gives rise to dishonesty and fraud and it will be discovered in divorce,' she says.

不过协议离婚执业律师Lili Vasileff说,不要藏钱,因为这可能会导致不诚实和欺诈,在离婚的过程中会被发现。

If you have reasonable grounds for concern, seek legal advice for how to preserve your financial assets before filing for divorce, she says.


2. Save and Budget.

2. 节省和筹划

One of the most overlooked aspects of divorce is budgeting for it, says Ms. Vasileff.


'Decide how much you will budget and which accounts will be used to pay for your divorce expenses,' she says. Try to avoid tapping into the 'wrong' accounts to pay for it. Taking money out of an individual retirement account, for example, may cost a penalty and taxes, she says.

她说,确定你的预算规模,以及用哪些账户来支付离婚的开销。尽量避免动用“错误的”账户来支付。她说,例如使用个人退休账户中的资金可能被课以罚款和税金。You'll need liquid funds for legal costs and possibly for a separate living arrangement, and money for daily expenses. You should have at least three months' expenses plus several thousand more saved for your attorney's retainer, she says.


'Keep this cash in separately titled checking accounts, money-market savings and short-term CDs rather than any long-term investments,' she says.


You'll also need to create a budget to support your likely scaled-down lifestyle. Most people grossly underestimate how much they spend, says Molly Goetz, a financial adviser in Towson, Md.

你还需要制作预算以支持可能需要比以前俭省的生活方式。马里兰州陶森市金融顾问Molly Goetz说,大多数人都极大地低估了自己的开支。

After the divorce, you may end up with half of your previous assets but be spending the same amount as before, she says. 'Start thinking about the life you want to lead post-divorce and determine what steps you might need to take to achieve that,' Ms. Goetz says.


3. Watch and Establish Credit.

3. 留心信用情况并建立信用

Get an individual credit card if you don't have one already, and consider freezing joint credit cards.


Obtain a credit report for yourself, says Anthony Ogorek, a financial planner in Williamsville, N.Y. A credit report will detail balances outstanding as well as open and closed lines of credit.

纽约州威廉斯维尔(Williamsville)的理财规划师Anthony Ogorek建议,为你自己准备一份信用报告。信用报告将列出你未清账款的细节情况以及开放式、封闭式信用额度。

'This can be critical in the event a spouse tries to retaliate by running up credit balances,' he says.


It can also determine if your spouse has opened accounts you are unaware of, says Bonnie Sewell, a financial planner in Leesburg, Va. You can obtain a copy of your report free at AnnualCreditReport.com.

弗吉尼亚州利斯堡(Leesburg)理财规划师Bonnie Sewell称,如果你的配偶开设了你不知道的账户,那你可以在AnnualCreditReport.com这个网站免费获得信用报告的副本。

4. Watch the Timing.

4. 留意时间

Mr. Gambaccini suggests looking to file your divorce in a year when you're earning less money-for example, when you get no bonus or there is a big decline in the value of your investments. While a court will typically look at income over many years, having a recent decrease in earnings may lower future payments, such as alimony, he says.


During the Great Recession, several of Mr. Gambaccini's clients suffered income declines. 'They saw this as a way to get out of a bad marriage at a discount,' he says.



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