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发布时间:2019-09-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

If you've ever wondered what it takes to market instant noodles in China, take a look at food and beverage giant Tingyi Holding Corp.'s results for the first half of this year.

如果你对如何在中国营销方便面感到好奇,那不妨来看看食品及饮料巨头康师傅控股有限公司(Tingyi Holding Corp., 简称:康师傅控股)今年上半年的业绩。

Tingyi, owner of the 'Master Kong' noodle brand and a partner with PepsiCo Inc., lists some of its promotional highlights so far this year in its report to the Hong Kong stock exchange, including:

北京一家超市中码放的康师傅和统一企业方便面。作为“康师傅”方便面品牌的持有者以及百事公司(PepsiCo Inc., PEP)的合作伙伴,康师傅控股在提交给香港交易所的中期财报中列举了今年以来的部分重要营销活动,具体如下:

-An ideological-sounding campaign called 'Adherence to Dreams, Loyalty to Original Taste.'


-A promotional tie-in with the World Cup called 'watching soccer match overnight by eating braised beef noodles' which the company notes 'substantially extended the opportunities of eating instant noodles.'


-A push for Tingyi's pickled mustard flavored products, featuring the slogan 'not only sour and crisp, plenty of flavours are even better' and an intriguing-sounding promotion called 'You are the winner of sour and crisp expert award.' Perhaps as a result of these efforts, 'market share in the high-end pickled mustard flavor market continue to increase,' the company notes.


-An online video show called 'Eating missions must be accomplished.'


As for the results themselves--which saw net profit rise 17.9%--analyst opinions were mixed, with Barclays noting that Tingyi's revenue for the second quarter was down 2%. That said, Barclays believed that the company 'has all the building blocks in place to substantially improve its margins over the next 3-5 years.'


BOCOM International meanwhile worried about Tingyi being squeezed by competition from rival company Uni-President China, which has introduced a new line called Gemian, or 'revolutionary noodle', which BOCOM deemed 'delicious.'

交银国际(BOCOM International)担心,康师傅控股正面临来自统一企业中国控股有限公司(Uni-President China Holdings Ltd., 简称:统一企业中国)的竞争压力,统一企业中国推出了名为“革面”的新产品线,而交银国际认为这款产品“美味可口”。


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