Indonesia declared its independence from the Netherlands on August 17, 1945 in one of the first acts of post-war decolonisation.
The colourful independence celebrations draw upon the many traditions of Indonesian culture, including bizarre tests of agility and strength.
During World War II Indonesia had been invaded by Japan and following their surrender Indonesian nationalists declared independence.
The Dutch tried to resist the independence movement, eventually accepting defeat after four years following pressure from the United Nations.
One of the most bizarre parts of the Indonesian independence celebrations is the Panjat Pinang competition where men clamber up greased poles.
The Panjat Pinang game was introduced to Indonesia by the Dutch colonists, who placed prizes at the top of the pole during special occasions for entertainment.
Because the poles are covered in grease or oil, one man is unable to clamber up unaided as they are unable to grip and climb at the same time.
As a result, the men form teams where they help each other on the understanding that they split the goodies from the top of the pole equally.
In an amazing feat of strength, one man grapples with the base of the pole while his friends use him as a ladder to get to the goodies from the top.
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