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发布时间:2019-09-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, has a growing cloud computing business and a hunger for American companies. And soon, it will most likely have a large amount of cash. Will it take on the American cloud giants?


It would be an amazing change from the way cloud computing seems to be developing. Public cloud computing is the rental of infrastructure, like raw computing power and online data storage, and sophisticated applications. It is a multibillion-dollar business, expected to grow much bigger, and is currently led by Amazon Web Services, or AWS; Google; and Microsoft Azure. IBM and others also have designs on the market.

与云计算目前的发展态势相比,这将是一个令人惊奇的转变。公共云计算指基础设施的出租,包括计算能力和网络数据存储空间,以及复杂的应用程序。这是一项价值数十亿美元的业务,预计还将进一步增长。目前在该领域处于领先地位的是亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services,简称AWS)、谷歌(Google),以及微软(Microsoft)的Azure。IBM等公司也有相关规划。

To date, all of the big global players are United States companies. In a recent evaluation of the cloud infrastructure business, analysts at the technology research firm Gartner counted 15 companies. Just two, Dimension Data and Fujitsu, were not American firms. There was no mention of Alibaba.

迄今为止,国际上的大型云计算公司都来自美国。在最近的一份对云基础设施产业的评估中,科技研究公司高德纳(Gartner)的分析师统计了15家公司的数据。只有两家公司不是美国公司,它们是达科(Dimension Data)和富士通(Fujitsu)。这份评估中没有提及阿里巴巴。

Yet according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ahead of Alibaba's proposed public offering, Alibaba had revenue of $102 million from cloud and infrastructure sales last year. That was an increase of 26 percent from a year earlier. That is not the 50 percent annual growth seen at AWS, perhaps, but not bad.

然而在阿里巴巴申请上市之时,向美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission,简称SEC)提交的文件显示,阿里巴巴去年有1.02亿美元(约合6.3亿元人民币)的收入来自云服务和基础设施销售,较上年增长了26%。这或许比不上AWS较去年提高50%的增幅,但也并不算差。

So why isn't Alibaba an international cloud contender? Particularly since, as The New York Times reported last week, it has sunk a fortune in American tech companies. Not to mention that at least one of the companies high in Gartner's estimation, Rackspace, told the S.E.C. in May that it had hired Morgan Stanley to find it a partner or acquirer.

那么,阿里巴巴的云服务为什么没有参与国际市场的竞争?尤其是考虑到《纽约时报》上周报道,它还拿出了大笔资金来收购美国的科技公司。此外,在高德纳给出较高评价的公司中,至少有一家公司,Rackspace,曾在5月份告诉SEC,已经聘请摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)为其寻找合作伙伴或收购者。

A spokesman for Alibaba, citing the company's quiet period ahead of its I.P.O., declined to comment on its plans. But people with knowledge of the company said that Alibaba, like other possible Chinese contenders, seemed to have its hands full just handling its China business.


Alibaba's cloud business was formed in 2009. Like AWS, it began as a way of serving the company's own online commerce and payment businesses. Its external customers are mostly small and medium Chinese companies.


The Chinese website for the service, Aliyun.com, lists mostly Chinese mobile and gaming companies as customers. It also provides online stores for Microsoft and Apple in China. In all, Alibaba says that one million customers tap into its cloud, either directly or through a reseller of computing services.


In other ways, however, the company is a laggard, with just three large data centers in China and a smaller one in Hong Kong. AWS, by comparison, has 25 core regional data centers globally, which are backstopped with 52 smaller “edge locations” around the world. Another regional facility is being developed in China.


In terms of performance, Alibaba cannot come close. For a Chinese site, it does impressive work, handling $5.8 billion in commerce on China's heaviest shopping day. The Alibaba S.E.C. filing says its cloud does 3.6 million computing transactions a minute. That sounds like a lot, until you consider that the AWS databases alone handle 1.5 million transactions a second.


Like Baidu and Tencent, two other big Chinese online companies with cloud businesses, Alibaba's focus for now seems to be on Chinese mainland, possibly as a place to learn the business before moving farther out.


Like Alibaba, Tencent recently opened a data center in Hong Kong. Politically, Hong Kong is China's special administrative region; practically, it can be a midway point between international and domestic commerce. From there, the probable growth would be in Asia, where China has many existing commercial relationships, or Africa, still mostly open territory for cloud computing.


In other words, the American cloud companies should not have to worry in the short term. Further out, however, it's likely that the Chinese clouds will have a lot of paying customers in the domestic market to fuel additional expansion.



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