Eating healthy food is vital for your wellbeing, but when you’re pregnant, it’s even more important to get the right balance of nutrients that you and your baby need. There’s no need to follow a special “diet” –but enjoying these foods will help ensure you stay healthy and give your baby the best possible start in life.
人类吃健康的食物是至关重要的,但怀孕时获得恰当的所需的 你和宝宝营养平衡更重要。不必遵循特殊的饮食条目-但要享受 确保你保持健康的食物,给予宝宝可能的最佳的生命开端。
As well as offering health-boosting vitamins and minerals, vegetables and fruit are packed with fibre. Getting plenty of fibre in your diet can help improve digestion and prevent constipation –an unwelcome pregnancy side effect that affects many women.
同样要提供充满健康的维他命和矿物质,充满纤维的水果和蔬 菜。饮食中获得充足的纤维能帮助促进消化防止便秘-不受欢迎 的怀孕副作用影响许多女人。
Always wash fruit and vegetables well before eating. Fresh produce can come with traces of soil which may contain toxoplasma - a parasite that can harm your unborn baby. To ensure vegetables retain more of their nutrients, try steaming or cooking them in a little water.
在吃之前洗好水果和蔬菜。新鲜的产品伴随带有虫子的泥土-寄 生虫会伤害你未出生的宝宝。为了确保水果富含更多的营养, 尝试用一点水蒸或煮。
As well as being a good source of vitamins and fibre, carbohydrates provide you with energy you need (which may be lacking, particularly in the third trimester), without being high in calories. Choose wholemeal brown varieties of bread, pasta and rice where possible.
碳水化合物作为维他命和纤维的好的来源,提供所需的能量( 可能缺少的,尤其在第三个月),没有高卡路里。可能的话, 选择吃一顿富含维他命的面包,意大利面和米饭的饭。
Protein is a building block for life itself and will help your baby grow. Experts suggest that pregnant women should eat protein at least once a day, and vary the source if possible. For example, beans and pulses, dairy, nuts, eggs, fish, poultry and lean meat.
蛋白质是生命的保障,会帮助宝宝的成长。专家建议孕妇至少 每天补充一次蛋白质,可能的话变化来源。例如,大豆和脉搏 ,乳制品,坚果,鸡蛋,鱼,猪肉和瘦肉。
Pregnant women are advised to eat two servings of fish each week. It is best not to eat more than this, as many types of fish contain traces of methylmercury - a metal believed to be harmful in high doses to the growing brains of fetuses. You should also avoid raw seafood, such as oysters or uncooked sushi, as these pose a food poisoning risk.
建议孕妇每周吃两种鱼肉。最好不要吃超过这些,许多类型的 鱼富含甲基水银-一种高剂量时有害的金属对于胎儿成长的大脑 。你也应该避免生海鲜,例如牡蛎或未烹饪的寿司,这些食品 会导致中毒危险。
You should steer clear of paté, including vegetable pate , as it can contain listeria. Liver and liver products as they can contain too much vitamin A, which can harm your baby. Always be sure to cook eggs, poultry and meat thoroughly before eating.
你应该掌控病毒,包括蔬菜病毒,它能够包含利斯特杆菌。肝 和肝产品包含太多的维他命A,能够伤害宝宝。经常确保吃之前 彻底煮好鸡蛋,猪肉和肉。
Calcium helps to build strong bones and teeth and is essential during pregnancy. Try to eat two to three portions a day. Dairy foods, such as cheese, milk and yoghurt, are good sources of calcium –but there are some types you need to avoid in pregnancy.
钙有助于建立强壮的骨头和牙齿是怀孕时的基本物质。试着每 天吃两到三次这个部分。日常食物,例如奶酪,牛奶和酸奶是 钙的好的来源-但有一些种类你需要在怀孕时避免。
Mould-ripened soft cheese, such as brie and camembert, and milk made from unpasteurized milk should be avoided as they may contain bacteria. Pregnant women are also advised not to eat soft blue-veined cheeses, such as Danish blue, gorgonzola and Roquefort.
成熟霉菌的软奶酪,例如布里干酪和卡门贝干酪,未经高温消 毒的牛奶应该被禁止它们可能包含细菌。孕妇也被建议不去吃 柔软的有青筋的奶酪,例如丹麦蓝 ,干酪和羊乳干酪。
The body needs a certain amount of fat to function well –but make sure it’s the good kind. Cut back on saturated fat, found in meat products, butter, cream, cakes and pastries, and opt for foods rich in unsaturated fat, such as oily fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil.
身体需要确定数量的油脂来较好运转-但要确保种类良好。减少 饱和的发现在肉制品,黄油,冰淇淋,蛋糕和面粉糕饼中的脂 肪,选择富有非饱和脂肪的视频,例如带油的鱼,坚果,种子 和橄榄油。
Take a supplement and you can be sure you get the vitamins and minerals you need. Opt for a multi-vitamin formulated for pregnant women (standard ones contain too much vitamin A), which should come with folic acid, If you don’t take a multi-vitamin, you’ll need to take 400 micrograms of folic acid a day, which helps to protect against certain birth defects.
供给并确保你获得所需的维他命和矿物质。选择多种多样的维 他命为孕妇系统的阐述,你需要每天摄入400微克的叶酸,有助 于保护某种出生的缺陷。
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