Jewelry designer Jamie Wolf doesn't let pregnancy stop her from doing plies and ronds de jambe in her ballet class.
珠宝设计师杰米・沃尔夫(Jamie Wolf)没有让怀孕阻碍她在芭蕾课上继续练习下蹲和划圈等动作。
As a former New York City Ballet corps member, Ms. Wolf knew the best prenatal exercise is the one she's been doing most of her life.
相反,作为纽约市芭蕾舞团(New York City Ballet)昔日的一名舞蹈队员,沃尔夫认为最好的孕期锻炼就是她迄今生活中投入时间最多的运动。
With her doctor's consent, Ms. Wolf went back to ballet class after eight weeks into her pregnancy. She says the endorphins from exercising helped her deal with first-trimester nausea. 'I found that what makes me feel best while being pregnant are the things that feel familiar because everything else is changing,' says Ms. Wolf, who is due this month.
The 35-year-old New Yorker began dancing at age 8 at the School of American Ballet. Her first role on stage was the 'Bunny' in New York City Ballet's 'The Nutcracker,' which became her nickname when she joined the company in 1996.
沃尔夫现年35岁,纽约人,从8岁就在美国芭蕾舞学校(School of American Ballet)学跳芭蕾舞。她的舞台处女作是在纽约市芭蕾舞团的《胡桃夹子》(The Nutcracker)中扮演“兔子”(Bunny)。1996年她加入这个芭蕾舞团后,“兔子”便成了她的昵称。
Ms. Wolf retired in 2006 to focus on her jewelry line. She stepped back into the studio three years later when choreographer and former City Ballet dancer Benjamin Millepied approached her to audition for a dancer role in the 2010 film 'Black Swan.' To get back in shape, she began taking ballet classes with master teacher Wilhelm Burmann and continued to do so after working on the film.
2006年,沃尔夫从纽约市芭蕾舞团退役,开始专注于珠宝设计工作。三年后她重回芭蕾舞房,因缘在于电影《黑天鹅》(Black Swan,2010年)需要一位舞者,担任编舞的前纽约市芭蕾舞团舞者本杰明?米派德(Benjamin Millepied)邀请她去试镜。为了重塑身形,她开始跟随名师威廉?布尔曼(Wilhelm Burmann)重新修习芭蕾,并且在电影拍完后坚持了下来。
She is the only pregnant woman in a class geared for professional dancers, but that doesn't deter her from enjoying the workout.
'I used to be able to do those moves and now I can't,' she says. 'Who cares? It's about feeling good and I really enjoy it.'
The Workout
Ms. Wolf attends Mr. Burmann's advanced professional class at Steps on Broadway one to three times a week. Class begins at the barre with leg exercises such as plies, tendus and ronds de jambe for 45 minutes. Then the class practices adagios, a sequence of sustained movements.
沃尔夫每周去Steps on Broadway参加1-3次布尔曼的高阶专业芭蕾舞课程。该课程一开始有45分钟供学员进行下蹲、拉伸、划圈等基本的腿部练习,然后是一些动作连续的慢板练习。
She modifies the exercises to fit her changing body, eliminating moves such as the arabesque, a pose in which a dancer stands on one leg with the other leg extended behind her. She is always on alert for signs of discomfort. 'As a dancer, you're comfortable with your body and you know yourself so well,' she says. 'It's very easy to differentiate fatigue from pain and discomfort.'
At home, she follows online streaming videos of Ballet Baby, a prenatal workout created by Mary Helen Bowers, a former dancer and founder of Ballet Beautiful, a ballet-inspired fitness program. Ms. Wolf sometimes takes Ms. Bowers's studio classes.
在家里,沃尔夫会跟着《芭蕾宝贝》(Ballet Baby)的在线流式视频进行锻炼。《芭蕾宝贝》是退役舞者玛丽?海伦?鲍尔斯(Mary Helen Bowers)为准妈妈们设计的一套锻炼动作。鲍尔斯也是基于芭蕾舞设计的健身项目Ballet Beautiful的创始人。有时候,沃尔夫也会去鲍尔斯的舞蹈房上课。
The series includes mat work, toning exercises and cardio workouts broken into around 15-minute sessions. Her favorites include the Inner Thigh and the Classic Bridge exercises, which help sculpt the butt, the inner thighs and the back of the legs.
《芭蕾宝贝》系列课程包括垫上练习、伸展动作和有氧运动,大约15分钟一小节。沃尔夫最喜欢的练习包括“大腿内侧运动”(Inner Thigh)和“经典搭桥”(Classic Bridge)练习,这些动作有助于锻炼臀部、大腿内侧和腿肚部位。
The Diet
For breakfast, she often has multigrain toast with fresh avocado sprinkled with salt or multigrain waffles with a banana. For lunch, she'll have either a Moroccan chickpea salad or a salad with grilled chicken.
For dinner, she enjoys date nights and often eats out with her husband, Mike. At home, they cook grilled fish with wild rice and fish tacos with fresh guacamole in the summer. She eats whatever her body is craving but within moderation.
She has Epic Seed's Greek Yogurt + Chia every day for calcium, and bananas for potassium, which she learned prevents muscle cramps during pregnancy.
此外,沃尔夫每天还会食用Epic Seed的Greek Yogurt + Chia以补充钙元素,并通过吃香蕉补钾,她听说这样可以预防孕期肌肉痉挛症状的发生。
The Gear
In ballet class, Ms. Wolf wears Yumiko's Yuki leggings in black microfiber ($67) and Alex or Heather microfiber leotards ($75 and $68, respectively). The brand doesn't provide maternity wear so she buys up a size. She dances in Bloch split-sole ballet slippers, which cost around $33. Her other workout clothes includes Jungmaven T-shirts ($29) and zip-hooded sweatshirts ($60).
上芭蕾课时,沃尔夫穿的是Yumiko品牌的Yuki黑色超纤弹力裤(售价67美元),以及Alex或Heather系列的超纤面料练功服(分别售价75美元和68美元)。因为这个品牌没有专门的孕妇服,沃尔夫就选了大一号的尺码。练功时,沃尔夫会穿Bloch品牌的分割式软底舞鞋(售价在33美元上下)。她还备有其他一些练功服,包括Jungmaven 品牌的T恤衫(售价29美元)和带拉链的套头衫(售价60美元)。
A single class at Steps on Broadway costs $18, though she buys a series of 10 classes for $160. The Ballet Baby online streaming videos cost about $50 for the series. A monthly subscription to in-studio and online Ballet Beautiful classes costs $280.
在Steps on Broadway单上一节芭蕾课的花费是18美元,沃尔夫报了一套共10节的课程,总计160美元。一套《芭蕾宝贝》在线视频课程的售价约为50美元,而Ballet Beautiful练功房和在线课堂的月收费是280美元。
The Playlist
'One thing I love about ballet is the incredible music, especially getting to perform with a live orchestra,' she says, who counts Stravinsky as one of her favorite composers. At Steps on Broadway, there is a pianist who accompanies the class.
沃尔夫说:“我爱芭蕾表演时那美妙的音乐,特别是在乐队现场伴奏下跳芭蕾的感觉。”她表示,斯特拉温斯基(Stravinsky)是她喜欢的作曲家之一。在Steps on Broadway上课时,旁边就有钢琴师伴奏。
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