A drop in testosterone levels around 50,000 years ago led the the development of art and tools, researchers believe.
They say the drop, which led to a change in the shape of skulls, coincided with a blossoming in culture.
The two could be linked, as humans developed a more co-operative outlook as levels dropped.
Modern humans appear in the fossil record about 200,000 years ago, but it was only about 50,000 years ago that making art and advanced tools became widespread.
'The modern human behaviors of technological innovation, making art and rapid cultural exchange probably came at the same time that we developed a more cooperative temperament,' said lead author Robert Cieri, a biology graduate student at the University of Utah who began this work as a senior at Duke University.
The study in the journal Current Anthropology, which is based on measurements of more than 1,400 ancient and modern skulls, makes the argument that human society advanced when people started being nicer to each other, which entails having a little less testosterone in action.
Heavy brows were out, rounder heads were in, and those changes can be traced directly to testosterone levels acting on the skeleton, according to Duke anthropologist Steven Churchill, who supervised Cieri's work on a senior honors thesis that grew to become this 24-page journal article three years later.
上一篇: 数据之美 一张图观2000年文化迁移
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