Love is not possessive爱不是占有-查字典英语网
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Love is not possessive爱不是占有

发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Love is not possessive.As you like the moon but it's impossible to bring the moon down and keep it. But the moonlight will still shine into your room. In thesame way, you canposses the person you love in a different manner. Let the one you love remails in your memory always.
You can't say why when you truly love someone. You oly know at any moment, in good mood or bad, you just want this person by your side; True love is when two people are able towithstand the worst times, yet not demanding anything from each other. After all, love requires one to give, and not just receiving.
If you really love someone, you need to love who he is--love his good, and his bad. Love his strengths and his weaknesses. Never wish that he'll change to become the person you want him to be because you love him.
爱不是占有,就像您喜欢月亮但她是不可能摘下的和保留它的。但月光将发光进入您的屋子。用同样的方式, 您能占有这个人用您另外的方式.让那个您的爱总寄在您的记忆中。 您不能说出为什么当您真实地爱上某人。您仅仅随时知道, 在好心情或坏心情的时候, 您想要这个人由您的身边; 真实的爱是二个人是能甘苦与共,在最坏的处境下, 不强求对方为你做任何事情。终究, 爱要求一方的, 和一方的接受。 如果您真正地爱某人, 您需要爱的是谁是他-- 爱他的好, 和他的坏。爱他的力量和他的弱点。从不希望他有改变成适合人您想要的他仅仅是因为您爱他。


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