人鬼情未了 美国老妇偶遇70年前男友日记-查字典英语网
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人鬼情未了 美国老妇偶遇70年前男友日记

发布时间:2019-09-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Corporal Thomas 'Cotton' Jones had one 'last life request' before he was killed by a Japanese sniper on a South Pacific island in 1944: Please give my diary to Laura Mae Davis, the girl I love.

美国大兵托马斯·琼斯(外号“棉花”)1944年在南太平洋岛屿上遭日军狙击阵亡,临终前留下“一生最后的请求”:请把我的日记交给我心爱的女孩劳拉·梅·戴维斯 。

Davis, 90, did get to read the diary, but not until last month - nearly seven decades later - when she stumbled upon it in a display case at the National World War II Museum.


The New Orleans museum is currently holding an exhibit dedicated to the 22-year-old machine gunner - her high school sweetheart - who was one of nearly 2,000 Americans killed in the bloody assault on the Japanese-held island of Peleliu during World War II.


'I didn't have any idea there was a diary in there,' said the Mooresville, Indiana, woman, and the discovery brought her to tears.

“我一点都不知道那儿有一本日记,” 来自印第安纳州穆尔斯维尔的戴维斯说道,发现日记后,她激动得热泪盈眶。

'I figured I'd see pictures of him and the fellows he'd served with and articles about where he served,' she said.


She was stunned to find her sweetheart's diary - a gift she had given him before he set off to war.


The journal's 4-by-7-inch back cover was nearly filled with her photograph. The picture itself was black and white, but the photographer had tinted her cheeks pink and her lips dark red.


She had signed it, 'Love, Laurie.'


The pair met in the class of '41 at Winslow High School. 'He was a basketball player and I was a cheerleader,' she said.

这对曾经的情侣相识于温斯洛高中,两人是1941届的同班同学。 “他是篮球队的,而我是拉拉队的,” 她回忆道。

They had dated through high school and went to the prom together. Jones had given her his class ring but they weren't engaged, she said.


Burlingame said she didn't know why she never got the diary. It apparently went first to a sister of Jones whom she didn't know well, she said.


Burlingame said she was touched by the number of times Jones mentioned getting letters from his parents and her.


The 22-year-old's last entry in the diary, written aboard the USS Maui on December 1, 1943, described winning $200 at craps. He had a total of $320, he wrote, and if he were back home 'Laura Mae & I would really have a wonderful Xmas.'



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