The Earth isn't actually orbiting around the Sun. It's orbiting around the Solar System's center of mass known as the Barycenter. Although this point often falls within the mass of the Sun, it can be shifted by the pull of larger planets. Therefore, at least some of the time, everything in the solar system is orbiting around empty space.
While the Supreme Court did rule that tomatoes are vegetables in the legal sense for the purpose of taxation, they did not claim they are vegetables in any botanical sense. They are still fruits.
Chameleons don't change their color to blend in to their surroundings. They change their color to communicate.
No bat is blind. While many species do use echolocation, some have excellent night vision and don't rely on echolocation at all.
There is no such thing as a banana tree. It's a banana plant.香蕉树不是树,是草本植物。
Goldfish don't have a 7 second memory. It's actually much better than that.
Sharks actually do get cancer.
Dogs don't sweat through their tongue. Most of their sweat glands are located in their foot pads. While panting does keep them cool, panting is not equivalent to sweating.
Napoleon was actually taller than the average Frenchman.
Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets.
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